Racism is racism

bobby chariots said:
SWP's back said:
bobby chariots said:

'Bigotry is the state of mind of a "bigot," a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices, especially one who exhibits intolerance and animosity toward members of a group.[1] Bigotry may be directed towards those of a differing sex or sexual orientation, gender identity, race, ethnicity, nationality, region, language, religious or spiritual belief, political alignment, age, economic status or medical disability'.

Instead of quoting the law and coming to blows about what constitiutes 'racism', perhaps all of the posters who think 'immigrant ****' or 'irish ****' is OK, maybe you should broaden your views by looking at good old wikipedia.

Wipe your fanny

In your post above you said you would side with the one who said 'fuck off back to Italy you black **** '. Can you explain what you meant?
Read the post again and then ask your self what he needs to explain.
SWP's back said:
prairiemoon said:
SWP's back said:
Absolute poppy cock.

Black **** and argie **** are in no way comparable.

And whilst all racism is prejudice, not all prejudice is racism
Racism is a prejudice, you agree? Then do not try to qualify it as something else.
Yes but fat **** is prejudice but not illegal or racist either.

Argie **** is not clever but nor is it racist or illegal.

-- Sun Apr 01, 2012 4:09 pm --

uwerosler28 said:
This is called xenophobia
No it's fucking not.

Can people please fucking read up before commenting.

Xenophobia is defined as "an unreasonable fear of foreigners or strangers or of that which is foreign or strange."

So Argie or Irish **** is not xenophobia as it's not a case of hating or fearing all foreigners at all.

Of course it's xenophobia. Where in your definition of xenophobia, does it say ALL foreigners?
i kne albert davy said:
bobby chariots said:
SWP's back said:
Wipe your fanny

In your post above you said you would side with the one who said 'fuck off back to Italy you black **** '. Can you explain what you meant?
Read the post again and then ask your self what he needs to explain.

he needs to explain why he side with someone giving racist abuse to Mario.
bobby chariots said:
i kne albert davy said:
bobby chariots said:
In your post above you said you would side with the one who said 'fuck off back to Italy you black **** '. Can you explain what you meant?
Read the post again and then ask your self what he needs to explain.

he needs to explain why he side with someone giving racist abuse to Mario.

He didn't say that mate, re-read slowly this time. He was agreeing that the bloke was racist.
argyle said:
SWP's back said:
argyle said:
In British law, any abuse, discrimination etc on grounds of race, nationality etc, is considered racism.

The racism term is now all encompassing for abuse on these grounds.

People saying it isn't are splitting hairs.
Would like to see that law change you meantion.

I think he could be asked to leave on grounds of acts in Public Order Act 1986 - part3: section 18 - prohibits, by its Part 3, expressions of racial hatred, which is defined as hatred against a group of persons by reason of the group's colour, race, nationality (including citizenship) or ethnic or national origins.

Others have alluded to the Race Relations Act 1976 - superseded by the Equality Act 2010. However this concerns the situation when someone has discriminated on grounds of race, nationality, etc.

Others have said what if you call an Irish friend a 'paddy' etc. Well the law takes into account the context of how and where things are said.

It's clear this guy wasn't saying it in a friendly context.

I'm also not saying that this guy should be prosecuted or something, but maybe a steward could give him a warning to tone it down.

The definitive answer is this: A racist incident is defined by Greater Manchester Police as: Any incident which is perceived to be racist by the victim or any other person.

Therefore, if the OP perceives such abuse to be racist, then it is.

(Source: <a class="postlink" href="http://www.gmp.police.uk/mainsite/0/53B2F15371E52B10802576FF0059A594/$file/Hate%20Crime%20Policy.pdf" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.gmp.police.uk/mainsite/0/53B ... Policy.pdf</a>)
bobby chariots said:
whatever my problems with spelling may be, you still havent told us all what you meant....so?
Have you read the post its not difficult to see what SWP means its not your spelling its your reading of the post thats the problem read it through for Gods sake.
bobby chariots said:
i kne albert davy said:
bobby chariots said:
In your post above you said you would side with the one who said 'fuck off back to Italy you black **** '. Can you explain what you meant?
Read the post again and then ask your self what he needs to explain.

he needs to explain why he side with someone giving racist abuse to Mario.

You still haven't read the post properly!
yes OK, but even after several reads it still sounded like he was saying i would side with the one being racist.
I think he needs to be more clear in his posts. Spunk bubble
1961 is right tho, having a moan doesnt help, report them to a steward or write to the club with their seat and block details so that there is a chance that it stops - walk the walk dont just talk the talk ....... and I am sure you are not a racist

Thenumber1blue said:
1961_vintage said:
Thenumber1blue said:
So the red faced alcoholic twat in 220 yesterday,shoutin Argie **** is still racism and wont help us and the wanker in the same block near the front that every week shouts Dego ,Irish ****,Italian this spick that,erm that is also racism if you come on here.I just cant listen to some of our fans nowadays they think this is ok as they are not using the words black or paki.Coupled with some of the shit they spout.

So don't come on here moaning - deal with it! Get their seat numbers to someone at the Club who is in a position to take appropriate action. Otherwise you are just part of the problem I'm afraid.
I'm not part of the problem thankyou,i'm not a racist .

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