Racist banana throwing is now allowed in English grounds...

johnmc said:
bluealf said:
Well it is definately a banana on 52 secs it hits the ground and burst out of the skin, the others are to tricky to call.

So what happened - they threw it at the grass so hard that it peeled itself and the inner part flew out. Or had they peeled it just the right amount so on impact with the pitch the fruit would explode out of the skin thus giving maximum effect. I wonder if they practiced it at home knowing that this could be brilliant if it came off. I doubt it was just luck.


this is what i thought was a chicken butty? if not i stand corrected? does seem strange that the inner part of a banana would burst out perfectly like that!!

we aint no racists
bluebean said:
this is what i thought was a chicken butty? if not i stand corrected? does seem strange that the inner part of a banana would burst out perfectly like that!!

Did you notice what type of chicken it was. If it was fried chicken then that is worse than a banana.
johnmc said:
bluebean said:
this is what i thought was a chicken butty? if not i stand corrected? does seem strange that the inner part of a banana would burst out perfectly like that!!

Did you notice what type of chicken it was. If it was fried chicken then that is worse than a banana.

if you look at my earlier post, thankfully it looks like processed chicken! ;-)
I didn't see the match, as my computer has issues with streaming shit. It only ever happens at important times that it decided to fuck up and go all bent on me. I didn't see the actual goal by Ade, although I've watched all the clips that've been posted and have read the match report.

First off;
I think arsenal supporters should be fined for being arsenal supporters.
That put a smile on my face. :)

Second, I reckon, from what I've seen, that there was at least one banana thrown. I am not saying it was deffo a banana, it could have been anything, but it does look suspiciously moon shaped.. On the other hand, I wont get into an argument with people who say it wasn't a banana, because we cannot be sure, so what's the point? I respect that some of you claim it's a hot dog (Although I agree with a previous poster, that it's got to have been heavilt drowned in mustard, or else it was just the bun).

was it racist that they threw a butty made of brown bread on the pitch? No.
was the stool a representation of an elephant? was the coins to show that whites are wealthy and blacks are poor? No.
are bananas not tasty treats and an easy thing to throw? Yes.
did they throw the programme on to demonstrate how adebayor obviously can't read because he's black? Did they fuck!
I agree, they didn't do all those other things, mainly because they don't have enough brain cells to rub together to figure out what such things could mean, but at the same time, if you were a black person, would you be more offended at them throwing something wich implies you're thick or which implies you're a monkey?
Lots of people get called thick/poor or cannot read, such comments are not saved up purely for black people, but implying someone's a monkey? You can't mistake that as a joke, and you can't say "Yeah, well, I say it to everyone" because not everyone would take offence, seeing as not everyone is coloured, so I see where you're coming from and it's a good point, but it's still bollox in my mind.

They just threw the first thing they could find. You're all looking for something that isn't there. Struggling to find a single fucking banana to 'prove' that arsenal fans are all racists and should be fined. People do eat bananas you know.
Very good point, and yet they threw a plastic stool. How many people take plastic stools with them to football matches? And surely there would have been things closer to oneself than a stool, be it a steward's or not? Otherwise, I got no beef with this point.

Edit: forgot to tell but Touré followed Adebayor in his run. He is the player helping Adebayor on his foot later. Bananas were flown at him in the same move.
Were the bannanas/objects not being thrown at Ade beforehand? I didn't notice.
Re: Racist bannana throwing is now allowed in English grounds...

ChesterRdBlue said:
I didn't notice what it was at the game, but it is very strange behaviour. It would appear then, the racist abuse of a player does not fit in with the FA and media's agenda. If it is clear on any pictures, then it should be brought to the attention of these retards and let them try and brush it under the carpet.

The FA's and FIFA's approach at punishing racist incidents across the football world is risible. Compare this with the speed with which they punish a vertically-challenged midfielder-cum-winger, lying on the floor, having the crap kicked out of him by some 6ft. plus thug, and it becomes pretty clear what priorities the FA have on their agenda.
One of the most bizzaro-world things I saw was a screen-shot of an Arsenal forum, where one of their posters called Adey a monkey. I kid you not. It was posted on here on Saturday evening. Anyone else recall that?
Brucie Bonus said:
One of the most bizzaro-world things I saw was a screen-shot of an Arsenal forum, where one of their posters called Adey a monkey. I kid you not. It was posted on here on Saturday evening. Anyone else recall that?

Yeah, I found it on Arsenalnfriends website:
<a class="postlink-local" href="http://www.bluemoon-mcfc.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=139492&p=2431365#p2431365" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">viewtopic.php?f=1&t=139492&p=2431365#p2431365</a>

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