Racist banana throwing is now allowed in English grounds...

bluemoonmatt said:
Brady, If they were banana's then this has clear unequivocal racist connotations, just ask John Barnes and John Fashanu, a common Banana was the missile of choice for the average racist football fan in the eighties, I had hoped that kind of behavior had died a death.

He could just phone Alex Williams.
Right, even if it is a banana (which I don't think it is - did it just miraculously split open once it hit the ground?), it's not beyond the realms of possibility that someone just happened to be eating a banana at that point and threw whatever he had in his hand onto the pitch? I've seen people throw their shoes and mobile phones onto football pitches before just because they were the first things they could get hold of.

It's ONE banana (possibly). Hardly conclusive evidence that one of the most multi-racial groups of supporters in the Premier League has suddenly gone all National Front now is it?
Dubai Blue said:
Right, even if it is a banana (which I don't think it is - did it just miraculously split open once it hit the ground?), it's not beyond the realms of possibility that someone just happened to be eating a banana at that point and threw whatever he had in his hand onto the pitch? I've seen people throw their shoes and mobile phones onto football pitches before just because they were the first things they could get hold of.

It's ONE banana (possibly). Hardly conclusive evidence that one of the most multi-racial groups of supporters in the Premier League has suddenly gone all National Front now is it?

Agreed, however some of the comments on the youtube vids of Ade's celebration definately go beyond the pale.
brady0 said:
Oh my. what a load of complete pc bullshit. i don't think i've ever heard so much shite in my life.

was it racist that they threw a butty made of brown bread on the pitch? No.
was the stool a representation of an elephant? was the coins to show that whites are wealthy and blacks are poor? No.
are bananas not tasty treats and an easy thing to throw? Yes.
did they throw the programme on to demonstrate how adebayor obviously can't read because he's black? Did they fuck!

They just threw the first thing they could find. You're all looking for something that isn't there. Struggling to find a single fucking banana to 'prove' that arsenal fans are all racists and should be fined. People do eat bananas you know. Fair enough if hundreds of bananas had landed on him then there would be some sort of conspiracy but there clearly isn't.

The fact they've thrown loads of stuff on the pitch is wrong but lets leave it at that.

Get over it.

Now that has pissed me right off, i couldnt get a programme and now i hear some fuckers chucked theres away...... f*ckers!
I think arsenal supporters should be fined for being arsenal supporters.
brady0 said:
They just threw the first thing they could find. You're all looking for something that isn't there. Struggling to find a single fucking banana to 'prove' that arsenal fans are all racists and should be fined. People do eat bananas you know. Fair enough if hundreds of bananas had landed on him then there would be some sort of conspiracy but there clearly isn't.

The fact they've thrown loads of stuff on the pitch is wrong but lets leave it at that.

Get over it.

Nice strawsman. Noone has argued so far that all Arsenal fans present on match day were racist (your statement goes even further by implying non present Arsenal fans)
As to the number making the crime, how many people do you need to be involved to be satisfied?
If there is one less than your number, do you state "if there had been one more, it would be racist people throwing bananas on the pitch. But one is missing so I cant tell anything."?

As far as the thread has it, it never implied that all Arsenal fans were racist but aims to determine if there were bananas thrown at Adebayor and whether this could be racially motivated.

Nothing more. Nothing less.
Brucie Bonus said:
53-56 seconds.

UFO then. It's the CIA, or the CFR, or the Bilderburgs, or Lunar Lizards. Perhaps we have our very own Grassy Knoll thing going on. I wonder, is there anyone on the forum that can help identify the missiles? However, in keeping with the verdict first, trial afterwards theme...they are def. bananas :-).

Well it is definately a banana on 52 secs it hits the ground and burst out of the skin, the others are to tricky to call.
bluealf said:
Well it is definately a banana on 52 secs it hits the ground and burst out of the skin, the others are to tricky to call.

So what happened - they threw it at the grass so hard that it peeled itself and the inner part flew out. Or had they peeled it just the right amount so on impact with the pitch the fruit would explode out of the skin thus giving maximum effect. I wonder if they practiced it at home knowing that this could be brilliant if it came off. I doubt it was just luck.

Re: Racist bannana throwing is now allowed in English grounds...

east-upper said:
kiam06 said:
I thought the days of bannana throwing racist thugs had gone in our stadiums but obviously not, the sinister thing about it is that the media are trying their best not to mention it. Seeing those bannana's clearly being thrown onto our pitch on Saturday left a real bad taste in the mouth and to think the Arsenal fans responsible are probably going to get away with it scot free is a joke, Adebayor may be to blame for inciting the trouble but was he to blame for them bringing bannana's to the ground?

It was premeditated and for me it is the biggest issue the FA should look at from Saturday.

I`m sorry but I don`t believe this for one moment........we have plenty of black players and fans , one of our most celebrated fan was a black guy.

argue all you like about the rights and wrongs of the afternoons events but leave the race card out of it.

I also find this difficult to believe as Arsenal have always been seen as a multi cultural club.. As they guy above states, one of their most celebrated fans (bear) was a black guy and when he died, thousands paid homage at his funeral.

I do think that the arse fans on saturday were the only ones with a pre agenda though.. They just lost it when Ade scored as it dawned on them what a big mistake Wenger has made.. But nevermind, they've still got Bentdner.. how shit is he?

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