Racist podcast rant - Arsenal fan & 'Comedian' Alan Davies not happy with us

I wouldn’t spend 20 microseconds listening to that fat geordie ****.

I’ve said before that sooner or later he’ll end up sharing a cell with Benjamin Mendy.

Everything about that guy just screams wrongun.

I listened to it. The problem was, his argument kept changing.

First he said nobody could challenge City because nobody else has got the money to "replace one £50m full back with another £50m fullback." I don't actually remember us doing that, but the bigger point is that City's turnover is not significantly bigger than Liverpool, United or Chelsea, so all three could challenge them if they chose to.

Then he accepted that City could be challenged by other teams with high turnovers, but that nobody wanted to, as though that was somehow City's fault that Liverpool choose not to spend all they could in the transfer market. But he stuck to his view that City's dominance was a bad thing that should be challenged even though those in a position to challenge it weren't doing so. His argument was that Newcastle should not be restricted from spending whatever their owner's liked, because otherwise the league would become a procession (or even more of a procession) because the only clubs able to challenge City were not willing to spend the resources that he accepted were available.

I completely agree that spending restrictions have been put in place not for the good of the game but for the protection of the established elite, but it was pointed out that United had spent in the post Ferguson era broadly the same as City in the transfer market, they had just bought badly. He accepted that also, but said that City had been at a much higher base when Ferguson had resigned. (Even though they were champions when he finally went.)

The point was being made that City are so dominant basically because Guardiola is a genius, and that City had spent sizeable sums before he arrived and not been so dominant by a long way. His argument then became that nobody but an oligarch or a nation state had the financial power to challenge Pep, which seemed to be a complaint that hiring the best manager in the world gives City an unfair advantage.

I stopped listening at this point because it was by then clear that he didn't actually have any sort of coherent argument that stood up to scrutiny, his argument changed every time it was shown to be bollocks.

I see that quite a lot in my line of work. We call these people 'bullshitters.'
I listened to it. The problem was, his argument kept changing.

First he said nobody could challenge City because nobody else has got the money to "replace one £50m full back with another £50m fullback." I don't actually remember us doing that, but the bigger point is that City's turnover is not significantly bigger than Liverpool, United or Chelsea, so all three could challenge them if they chose to.

Then he accepted that City could be challenged by other teams with high turnovers, but that nobody wanted to, as though that was somehow City's fault that Liverpool choose not to spend all they could in the transfer market. But he stuck to his view that City's dominance was a bad thing that should be challenged even though those in a position to challenge it weren't doing so. His argument was that Newcastle should not be restricted from spending whatever their owner's liked, because otherwise the league would become a procession (or even more of a procession) because the only clubs able to challenge City were not willing to spend the resources that he accepted were available.

I completely agree that spending restrictions have been put in place not for the good of the game but for the protection of the established elite, but it was pointed out that United had spent in the post Ferguson era broadly the same as City in the transfer market, they had just bought badly. He accepted that also, but said that City had been at a much higher base when Ferguson had resigned. (Even though they were champions when he finally went.)

The point was being made that City are so dominant basically because Guardiola is a genius, and that City had spent sizeable sums before he arrived and not been so dominant by a long way. His argument then became that nobody but an oligarch or a nation state had the financial power to challenge Pep, which seemed to be a complaint that hiring the best manager in the world gives City an unfair advantage.

I stopped listening at this point because it was by then clear that he didn't actually have any sort of coherent argument that stood up to scrutiny, his argument changed every time it was shown to be bollocks.

I see that quite a lot in my line of work. We call these people 'bullshitters.'

Btw, re your final two sentences, my old Aunty Elsie (may her soul rest in peace..), upon meeting/dealing with such an individual, used to take a second or two to consider her evaluation before delivering her withering conclusion..

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I wouldn’t spend 20 microseconds listening to that fat geordie ****.

I’ve said before that sooner or later he’ll end up sharing a cell with Benjamin Mendy.

Everything about that guy just screams wrongun.
He’s got “Raoul Moat Mk 2” written all over him hasn’t he, when Gazza appears with a fishing rod, some cans and a chicken, time to run.

Who was that Brummie in the shit beige jacket ? Seemed to get upset every time that lad mentioned we were the best team to ever grace the league, can’t be a rag surely ?
He wasn’t shown the yellow card until he ran the 30 yards, and if scuffing the door was the reason (unsportsmanlike conduct), the Ramsdale should have been in the book, too.

And, it should be upgraded in the Laws of the Game to a red card and 3 games. It is blatant, petulant cheating!

There is a slow march to the destruction of the game due to blatant cheating. The flopping is getting more creative, but it is still flopping!

In fact, if Bernardo had just gone over Xhaka’s leg instead of flopping, I think he would have got the penalty even without the shirt pulling. In effect, VAR seeing the shirt pulling won us that penalty, IMHO!

Atwell’s derisive hand and facial gestures towards Bernardo spine to what he saw (the flop), as opposed to the challenge.

And, I include the above for City players, too! Pep should tell Jesus, Sterling and Bernardo to TRY to stay on their feet or just go down under the challenge, but “STOP THE FLOP.”

And, the other fix that’s needed is crowding the ref and definitely jumping or contacting him. Immediate yellow card for any player other than the Captain approaching the ref and a ref card for foul and abusive at the officials. Mic the refs and only use it in cases where clubs appeal the card! You’ll soon not only stop the appeals once the language comes out, but it’ll quickly stop the abuse!

The whole “Respect” campaign is a joke in England, as evidenced by the numerous close ups of players telling the refs to eff off!

PL should institute the rule, effective next season, and give players the second half of this season to get used to swallowing a big dose of STFU towards the officials and the flopping!

Just one FOC’s opinion of where the game is faltering from a global perspective.
I agree. I posted very similar a couple of weeks ago. Zero tolerance for abuse. Captain only to approach Ref, Refs miked and their discussions totally transparent to media and crowd.
it would never work...oh, wait, it does, in Rugby Union.

just those actions would immediately improve standards.
The argument that when Pep leaves we are finished is blown out of the water by Pellers and Bobby Manc, they'll cling onto any comfort blanket available no matter how motheaten it is.

Yep we won’t be as good and drop back into the great Bracket with the likes of Chelsea and scousers more importantly competing for all trophies.

Wonder if Fernandinho has his coaching badges I feel he could be one hell of a manager with commitment character and personality.
If anyone gets a spare 20 minutes please listen to this. They are petrified! Really hope we bring in Haaland to further assert our dominance for next 5+ years. Little Citeh eh. :-)

Really enjoying this so far. Mostly because I remember what the angry bollock said when Delph signed.

The league needs Newcastle apparently. Fucking hell hahaha.

"I'm happy to be wrong and tell me why I'm wrong"... proceeds to shout everyone down at every opportunity.

Too much juice me thinks.
If anyone gets a spare 20 minutes please listen to this. They are petrified! Really hope we bring in Haaland to further assert our dominance for next 5+ years. Little Citeh eh. :-)

Fat geordie bastard, how he is still relevant I don't know.

Needs to go back to asking people for sexual favours online

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