racist posting

Big_Bad_Bojinov said:
slicky202 said:
Big_Bad_Bojinov said:
slicky202 said:
What has white, German God-bothering initiator of the Protestant Reformation got to do with it?[/quote

did he not protest against racial discrimination and make a famous speech or am i thinking of a different guy ?


jr. you know what i ment

I knew what you meant but thought your original post was ignorant, on many levels.
is the first post on blue moon a special thing?

im sorry this thread to me seems like the sort of thing you would do at a playground when playing football when you were 5!
someone breaks the rules, you dont like it, make a fuss and say im going home and hope everyone begs for you to stay! just how i look at it! sorry if im wrong.

now admittedly i agree there is no space for racism, but you go anywhere in the world, or on the internet, there is always going to some fool who thinks he is hard and will say silly things how old are you? old enough to understand racism, so therefore old enough to understand that there will be fools and comments will be said out of line, you cant quit or kick off everytime someone says something out of line because you have to lock yourself away from the rest of the world
slicky202 said:
more of a joke like about the rather drawn out speech the gent made. wasnt ment to be taken too literally

Coughed my Cobra over the keyboard on this one.

MLK "... I have a dream .... "

Crowd " goes on a bit, doesn't he? "

Sorry slicky202, but you're digging away here.
There is no place whatsoever for racism in any form. Your Martin Luther 'joke' was misplaced at best.

I am proud to be British - the rest of the World could learn a lot from our (for the most part) racially harmonious society.
N-Word-Joe said:
citizens_1976 said:
Apologies :)

you sir are a bigger man than i 1st percieved, thankyou, and i appologisefor anything i have done in retaliation to you, i know it wasnt a personal insult, but it just wound be right up is all

however this post wasnt a direct link to just you, it was in general, but thanks buddy :-)

going on the advice of other posters here, i think i might still keep my account, however if i do noice anymore racist comments on the forum, which i know is out of peoples control, i will have to by principle refuse to part of such a forum, and make no mistake, its not that i am backing down on the issue, but more along the lines of, everybody can make mistakes, and quitting doesnt solve anything ..... i will keep the account but not for 1 second longer if anymore racism is spurted out.

i know your all thinking, "What an attention seeking, politically correct, mithering **** " (Wheelsy :-P) - i can assure you this is not the case, you can check my previous posts if you would like, but on this issue i felt compelled to bring it up.

sorry for causing a stir ladies and gentleman, it will not be a frequent thing,

thankyou all very much, i just hope people think before they post.
Not a racist person in the slightest. Have asian friends, black friends, chinese friends and our owners are from Abu Dhabi. It was just a tongue in cheek, frustration post because Eto'o wants even more cash. I wasn't thinking straight and i apologise for it :)
Maybe next week, i'm slagging the greasy haired ponce at Real Madrid.
jft20b said:
is the first post on blue moon a special thing?

im sorry this thread to me seems like the sort of thing you would do at a playground when playing football when you were 5!
someone breaks the rules, you dont like it, make a fuss and say im going home and hope everyone begs for you to stay! just how i look at it! sorry if im wrong.

now admittedly i agree there is no space for racism, but you go anywhere in the world, or on the internet, there is always going to some fool who thinks he is hard and will say silly things how old are you? old enough to understand racism, so therefore old enough to understand that there will be fools and comments will be said out of line, you cant quit or kick off everytime someone says something out of line because you have to lock yourself away from the rest of the world

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