Rag Songs

all week ive been either singin it in mi head or out loud..just cant get it out of my mind!
"never felt more like singin the blues,city win united lose, ohh city u got me singin the blues..6-1 6-1 6-1"

as for the rag-ends ide never giv em an inch, the amount of shit theyve thrown our way over the years fook em all.
dw7 said:
when your good you can be arrogant

what about the istanbul song or wembely song you could say they were arrogant aswell

yes but some humility is always better

Aint seen Bobby behave in any other way than having total respect for other teams and manager including that Hughes **** - he is setting an example that we as fans should follow and as we all know Bobby is without doubt one of the best
I've always thought the "we're man united song" perfectly summed up what people dislike about them. I can understand us singing a variation of it once as a joke but it shouldnt become as a permanent city song. Firstly people will just think we're copying them, secondly it will make us appear arrogant (for the same reason I've always hated the "we'll buy your ground" song) like them.

On the other hand I love it when we sing "City going down with a billion in the bank" and "this is what it likes to be city". Its obvious that we're singing those songs ironically. They're not arrogant just funny.
MancashCity said:
anybody out there know what the citizens were singing at exactly 63min 30 sec during derby demolition?? whatever it was it sounded awesome especially seeing all the rag boys get upset over it

?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? anybody ?????????????????????/
hate going down with a billion in the bank and especially loathe, we'll score when we want. i like singing this is how it feels to be city because it exemplifies our humour, and now where our club has come. i asked what the difference between the two songs was on another thread, no answer.

for me we'll score when we want doesnt feel like a piss take to me, it makes me feel sick/
A lot of our songs are shit. Especially these fucking Rag converted songs. Cringy, and make me feel dirty! SHIT! I don't know who makes songs up but you must do fucking better. I've posted songs for Milner, Silva, Nasri etc yet they get ignored yet as soon as one person makes a song up about the Rags or anyone converts a Rag song there are thousands of dullards frothing at the mouth getting all giddy when they get started at the match. You're all fucking obsessed with the Rags!

It's an insult to our fantastic squad that barely two songs ever get sung about our players.

Also why is "Mancini woooaah" sung thirteen times a game yet we have never ever sung one song for Silva ever?!

Re: Re: Rag Songs

marios stress ball said:
i hate the ''do what we want'' chant.
Me too.
Don't mind we'll score when we want tho

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M147WN said:
Blue Blood CTID said:
Balti said:
My old man said

oh fuck they've scored again

You joke, but it's an arrogant quote, from an arrogant post, from an arrogant blue, on an arrogant forum, with an arrogant attitude and an arrogant way of life.

We should just treat everybody with respect no matter how they have treated us in the past. Turn the other cheek so we can get slapped again. In a nutshell, we need to act like the ultimate wetbags. What will A, B and C think of us if we do this?

Were becoming hated for no fucking reason whatsoever. The media will make sure of it anyway so fuck the world. Oh what will they think? CTID.

You must be joking!
Having suffered over 35 years of piss taking you want to offer an olive branch???
You're a fucking disgrace!!! We've been party to unbeleivable abuse for this time and we we'rnt even a threat most of the time!!
Fuck off with your "live and let live views" you have obviously just 'come on board' and find the real fans views somewhat surreal!!

Try taking it in the neck year on year...and I'm talking decades!
You utter fucking twat!!! Don't you ever try this pussy footed 'lets all be mates' shit again!
You rag ****!
Fuck off and die!!

Bit harsh but yeah go get crabs rag ****.
We should not be singing any songs about the rags. After all it takes the support away from supporting the team if we do this. After all isn't that the reason why we go to the games to support our beloveded blues. If we do sing anti reds songs to my mind it just makes us bitter and twisted blues.

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