Rags Debt - Daily Mail & Panorama [Merged]

bumbles said:
quiet_riot said:
Spelling mistakes aside, the 'fans' weren't being too vocal while you were winning things, were they?

yes they were...rememebr when the fans defeated the planned takoever by Murdoch in 1998...the original IMUSA came out of that period , and they lobbied the monopolies and mergers to force the takeover to be aborted.

as for glory hunters fading away ... I dont rememebr this happening in 74 when crowds INCREASED when the club went down....

as another poster said ...stop having wet dreams about united's demise...we have all been here before.

robson, hughes, cantona leave..its all over
Arsenal win the double ...united are finished
Vodafone stop sponsoring the team...thats its,
Beckham leave...all the asian fans, and the sponsors will desert
Chelsea outspend everyone...the end is neigh

etc..etc...the only constant is they keep on winning something most years....

The fans didn't defeat the Murdoch deal, that was the monopolies commission.
If the fans had any real clout, they would have stopped the Glazer's from taking control a few years ago.
All empires come to an end eventually, and we can see the writing on the wall for this one. Liverpool are going to have the more spectacular crash though, especially if they appoint Sven as highly paid guy who occasionally visits the club. Pull up a chair pour out a drink and watch the show.
The Fat el Hombre said:
Zero chance of the rags going under. There'll be plenty of buyers willing to bid if the glaziers can't handle the debt and decide to sell up. People on here need to stop creaming themselves ove rthe rags debt, it's a problem for them that could and probably will be solved very quickly. We just need to hope that this drags on and we can catch up in the meantime
If they had to sell something then it would be the Buccaneers as they could probably get close to $1bn for them and only have a relatively small debt ($66m) on them. That would presumably enable them to clear the PIK notes and the mortgages on their shopping malls in one go. This would mean that even with the bond interest to pay, the rags would generate a lot of spare cash.

So we should actually be more worried about them selling the Bucs than the rags.
bumbles said:
Lucas North said:
lf my business was in the state that the rags are in l would be a very worried man indeed .They either need a massive cash injection from somewhere or new owners at some stage otherwise they are going under , its that simple .

It could be a slow and painful lingering death as well which would be classic entertainment .

So has your business increased its turnover by 36% last year, and increased its profits by 22%....just to be crystal ..their isnt one United fan who would support this ferstering family ...but its ther businesses, as the article says..hte shoppping malls, the tampa bay club, that owe over a billion ...NOT united

Just to be clear with the facts, United are saddled with over £700m of the Glazer's debt as they have secured it against the club. Also numerous financial figures have stated that United only stayed out of the red last season because of the sale of Cristiano Ronaldo, and you can't sell him every summer.

Plus it was pretty clear you turned a blind eye to it all when you had back to back CL finals to keep you happy, but basically it sums up the majority of United fans, only happy when you're winning something and woman, kick and moan when you aren't, like it's a god given right. Won't even bother with the Newton Heath Green and yellow farce.

I actually have some sympathy for some Liverpool fans with their plight and they actually understand their situation, United fans on the other hand keep dreaming and expecting to be top dog, get a fucking reality check.
The Pink Panther said:
bumbles said:
yes they were...rememebr when the fans defeated the planned takoever by Murdoch in 1998...the original IMUSA came out of that period , and they lobbied the monopolies and mergers to force the takeover to be aborted.

as for glory hunters fading away ... I dont rememebr this happening in 74 when crowds INCREASED when the club went down....

as another poster said ...stop having wet dreams about united's demise...we have all been here before.

robson, hughes, cantona leave..its all over
Arsenal win the double ...united are finished
Vodafone stop sponsoring the team...thats its,
Beckham leave...all the asian fans, and the sponsors will desert
Chelsea outspend everyone...the end is neigh

etc..etc...the only constant is they keep on winning something most years....

The fans didn't defeat the Murdoch deal, that was the monopolies commission.
If the fans had any real clout, they would have stopped the Glazer's from taking control a few years ago.

2 points ...the fans fought tooth and nail for the club not to be sold ...but ultimately the coolmore gorup were significant shareholders who sold their interest...and the club was a PLC with share up for sale ...it is to the fans credit that they stood up and protested...unlikne the scoucers who bent over na dasked to be creamed...or the fans who threw a party in Albert square for a mass murderer eh?

secondly ... why would any so called succesful organisation purposely set a course to destruction ...whats in it for them?
bumbles said:
The Pink Panther said:
The fans didn't defeat the Murdoch deal, that was the monopolies commission.
If the fans had any real clout, they would have stopped the Glazer's from taking control a few years ago.

2 points ...the fans fought tooth and nail for the club not to be sold ...but ultimately the coolmore gorup were significant shareholders who sold their interest...and the club was a PLC with share up for sale ...it is to the fans credit that they stood up and protested...unlikne the scoucers who bent over na dasked to be creamed...or the fans who threw a party in Albert square for a mass murderer eh?

secondly ... why would any so called succesful organisation purposely set a course to destruction ...whats in it for them?

They already have a history of this. Look at the Buccaneers.

Your fans fought tooth and nail not to be sold to the Americans and also like the fucking dicks you are, hounded out the Irish guys
bumbles said:
2 points ...the fans fought tooth and nail for the club not to be sold ...but ultimately the coolmore gorup were significant shareholders who sold their interest...and the club was a PLC with share up for sale ...it is to the fans credit that they stood up and protested...unlikne the scoucers who bent over na dasked to be creamed...or the fans who threw a party in Albert square for a mass murderer eh?

So, essentially, you're agreeing that, regardless of what the fans want, the club will do what it's owners want to do. Which means the fans have no clout, as was mentioned.

bumbles said:
secondly ... why would any so called succesful organisation purposely set a course to destruction ...whats in it for them?

Profit. Pure and simple. The Glazers are in this to make money. They take a "management fee" each season, in the region of £10m, from United. The Glazers are waiting for United's value to hit what they believe is it's peak, and then they'll sell, for a huge profit. The debt is all loaded onto United now NOT the Glazers, they can sell up, clear any debts that are still their responsibility, and wlak away with a nice sum in their pocket. The only way United won't still be loaded with debt is if the new owners, like ADUG have done, write off the debt and turn it into equity rather than saddling the club with it. You need an extremely wealthy individual to do this, the Red Knights will NOT be that buyer.
Matty said:
bumbles said:
2 points ...the fans fought tooth and nail for the club not to be sold ...but ultimately the coolmore gorup were significant shareholders who sold their interest...and the club was a PLC with share up for sale ...it is to the fans credit that they stood up and protested...unlikne the scoucers who bent over na dasked to be creamed...or the fans who threw a party in Albert square for a mass murderer eh?

So, essentially, you're agreeing that, regardless of what the fans want, the club will do what it's owners want to do. Which means the fans have no clout, as was mentioned.

bumbles said:
secondly ... why would any so called succesful organisation purposely set a course to destruction ...whats in it for them?

Profit. Pure and simple. The Glazers are in this to make money. They take a "management fee" each season, in the region of £10m, from United. The Glazers are waiting for United's value to hit what they believe is it's peak, and then they'll sell, for a huge profit. The debt is all loaded onto United now NOT the Glazers, they can sell up, clear any debts that are still their responsibility, and wlak away with a nice sum in their pocket. The only way United won't still be loaded with debt is if the new owners, like ADUG have done, write off the debt and turn it into equity rather than saddling the club with it. You need an extremely wealthy individual to do this, the Red Knights will NOT be that buyer.

so just to clarify your thinking ...you take a succesful well run comapny , load it with debt, run it into the ground, plan to destroy your asset...?...and then expect to make a fortune from it?

I am amazed that you captains of industry with such knowledge of these complex financial models , have time to spend on football message boards.
Matty said:
Profit. Pure and simple. The Glazers are in this to make money. They take a "management fee" each season, in the region of £10m, from United. The Glazers are waiting for United's value to hit what they believe is it's peak, and then they'll sell, for a huge profit. The debt is all loaded onto United now NOT the Glazers, they can sell up, clear any debts that are still their responsibility, and wlak away with a nice sum in their pocket. The only way United won't still be loaded with debt is if the new owners, like ADUG have done, write off the debt and turn it into equity rather than saddling the club with it. You need an extremely wealthy individual to do this, the Red Knights will NOT be that buyer.
Give that man a banana.
bumbles said:
quiet_riot said:
Spelling mistakes aside, the 'fans' weren't being too vocal while you were winning things, were they?

yes they were...rememebr when the fans defeated the planned takoever by Murdoch in 1998...the original IMUSA came out of that period , and they lobbied the monopolies and mergers to force the takeover to be aborted.

as for glory hunters fading away ... I dont rememebr this happening in 74 when crowds INCREASED when the club went down....

as another poster said ...stop having wet dreams about united's demise...we have all been here before.

robson, hughes, cantona leave..its all over
Arsenal win the double ...united are finished
Vodafone stop sponsoring the team...thats its,
Beckham leave...all the asian fans, and the sponsors will desert
Chelsea outspend everyone...the end is neigh

etc..etc...the only constant is they keep on winning something most years....

well, get used to losing then.

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