Rags Debt - Daily Mail & Panorama [Merged]

You know, what is almost as hysterically funny as the financial mess the rags are in is the fact that many of their supporters are sticking their heads in the sand and refusing to acknowledge just how serious this whole thing is.

They won the Premiership and reached two Champions League finals and yet still had to sell the LadyBoy in order to pay the bills.
What is going to happen when that foul-mouthed, bullying hypocrite retires and they go through the inevitable transition that results from bedding in a new manager and adapting to his way of doing things? How in the name of Christ are they going to continue paying off their absolutely crippling debt when they have to spend a couple of years winning nothing?
TheLegendOfBerti said:
bumbles said:
So has your business increased its turnover by 36% last year, and increased its profits by 22%....just to be crystal ..their isnt one United fan who would support this ferstering family ...but its ther businesses, as the article says..hte shoppping malls, the tampa bay club, that owe over a billion ...NOT united

Just to be clear with the facts, United are saddled with over £700m of the Glazer's debt as they have secured it against the club. Also numerous financial figures have stated that United only stayed out of the red last season because of the sale of Cristiano Ronaldo, and you can't sell him every summer.

Plus it was pretty clear you turned a blind eye to it all when you had back to back CL finals to keep you happy, but basically it sums up the majority of United fans, only happy when you're winning something and woman, kick and moan when you aren't, like it's a god given right. Won't even bother with the Newton Heath Green and yellow farce.

I actually have some sympathy for some Liverpool fans with their plight and they actually understand their situation, United fans on the other hand keep dreaming and expecting to be top dog, get a fucking reality check.

oh how it comes back to bite them..they always go on about money doesnt buy success so why are they so concerned with the lack of it.. :)

They have always needed vast amounts to keep them at the top and now its not there they are truly starting to worry..

Welcome to the real world you deluded twits..
KentBlue said:
You know, what is almost as hysterically funny as the financial mess the rags are in is the fact that many of their supporters are sticking their heads in the sand and refusing to acknowledge just how serious this whole thing is.
They won the Premiership and reached two Champions League finals and yet still had to sell the LadyBoy in order to pay the bills.
What is going to happen when that foul-mouthed, bullying hypocrite retires and they go through the inevitable transition that results from bedding in a new manager and adapting to his way of doing things? How in the name of Christ are they going to continue paying off their absolutely crippling debt when they have to spend a couple of years winning nothing?

whos ignoring it ...do you not think that the fact over 150,000 people have joined IMUSA..the Fact a visible coordinated campaign is getting air time...the FACT match day protests are rasining question in the house of commons ...I would say that most fans are NOT sticking their heads in the sand..

As I say , the fans have porotested against the PLC sale in 1990, the murdoch takeover in 1998, the glazer take over in 1995...they didnt lay down like some .
bumbles said:
KentBlue said:
You know, what is almost as hysterically funny as the financial mess the rags are in is the fact that many of their supporters are sticking their heads in the sand and refusing to acknowledge just how serious this whole thing is.
They won the Premiership and reached two Champions League finals and yet still had to sell the LadyBoy in order to pay the bills.
What is going to happen when that foul-mouthed, bullying hypocrite retires and they go through the inevitable transition that results from bedding in a new manager and adapting to his way of doing things? How in the name of Christ are they going to continue paying off their absolutely crippling debt when they have to spend a couple of years winning nothing?

whos ignoring it ...do you not think that the fact over 150,000 people have joined IMUSA..the Fact a visible coordinated campaign is getting air time...the FACT match day protests are rasining question in the house of commons ...I would say that most fans are NOT sticking their heads in the sand..

As I say , the fans have porotested against the PLC sale in 1990, the murdoch takeover in 1998, the glazer take over in 1995...they didnt lay down like some .

So is Utd in a financial mess or not?
bumbles said:
Matty said:
So, essentially, you're agreeing that, regardless of what the fans want, the club will do what it's owners want to do. Which means the fans have no clout, as was mentioned.

Profit. Pure and simple. The Glazers are in this to make money. They take a "management fee" each season, in the region of £10m, from United. The Glazers are waiting for United's value to hit what they believe is it's peak, and then they'll sell, for a huge profit. The debt is all loaded onto United now NOT the Glazers, they can sell up, clear any debts that are still their responsibility, and wlak away with a nice sum in their pocket. The only way United won't still be loaded with debt is if the new owners, like ADUG have done, write off the debt and turn it into equity rather than saddling the club with it. You need an extremely wealthy individual to do this, the Red Knights will NOT be that buyer.

so just to clarify your thinking ...you take a succesful well run comapny , load it with debt, run it into the ground, plan to destroy your asset...?...and then expect to make a fortune from it?

I am amazed that you captains of industry with such knowledge of these complex financial models , have time to spend on football message boards.

Well, surely you must be aware that LBO´s are one of the most profitable ways to acquire a company?
Because you never spend your own money.
Re: Daily Mail: Glazers £1.1Billion in Debt

Harry Godwin said:
The programme Man Utd - Into the Red centres on the Glazers' ailing shopping-mall empire, run by their company First Allied Corporation, and is based on the findings of City analyst Andy Green, a United supporter who has joined the anti-Glazer green and gold campaign.

This is probably the most relevant quote out of the entire story.

This is what annoys me the most about this story, its just a cynical production by the BBC, who's licence fee we ALL pay, to show favour to the (albeit large) anti-glazer faction of United supporters.

The vast majority of licence payers should boycott the programme, and complain to the BBC governors about the blatant bias that looks likely to be shown on behalf of the red knights.

The BBC are supposed to be non political, and that should include sport and business.
bumbles said:
so just to clarify your thinking ...you take a succesful well run comapny , load it with debt, run it into the ground, plan to destroy your asset...?...and then expect to make a fortune from it?

I am amazed that you captains of industry with such knowledge of these complex financial models , have time to spend on football message boards.


Glazers buy United for, lets just make a figure up at random here to make the maths easier, £500m.

They put in £100m of their own cash and borrow the remaining £400m.

They load the £400m of debt onto United, so the Glazers are £100m out of pocket only, United are £400m worse off.

They take £2m a year in management fees.

After 5 years they have taken £10m in management fees, the debt of £400m on United is still at £400m (the interest has been met but the original debt is the same). The £100m Glazer debt is still in the region of £100m (give or take £1m).

United's "value" has now increased from £500m to £700m (as the value of the business doesn't seem to be linked to the debt it carries as long as the debt is "manageable").

The Glazers sell United for £700m. However, as the club has £400m of debt attached, they only receive £300m. They clear the £100m debt they have loaded onto themselves and end up with £200m in their pocket. This combined with the £10m management fees means they have made a profit of £210m in 5 years.

The new owners have just spent £700m on United, £300m of that has gone to the Glazers, £400m has cleared the debts. So, they can now either write off the money as equity, or as the Glazers did, keep some of it as personal debt and load the rest onto United (restructuring the debt to lower interest rates for a period). Lets say they pay £200m out of their pocket and borrowed £500m to buy United, and that's how they split the debt loading going forward. That means they now have £200m personal debt and United have £500m debt loaded to them.

Just an example but it shows that, as long as United's value increases (as has been illustrated over recent seasons as being the case), then the Glazers will make a profit regardless of the debt loaded to the club.
bumbles said:
KentBlue said:
You know, what is almost as hysterically funny as the financial mess the rags are in is the fact that many of their supporters are sticking their heads in the sand and refusing to acknowledge just how serious this whole thing is.
They won the Premiership and reached two Champions League finals and yet still had to sell the LadyBoy in order to pay the bills.
What is going to happen when that foul-mouthed, bullying hypocrite retires and they go through the inevitable transition that results from bedding in a new manager and adapting to his way of doing things? How in the name of Christ are they going to continue paying off their absolutely crippling debt when they have to spend a couple of years winning nothing?

whos ignoring it ...do you not think that the fact over 150,000 people have joined IMUSA..the Fact a visible coordinated campaign is getting air time...the FACT match day protests are rasining question in the house of commons ...I would say that most fans are NOT sticking their heads in the sand..

As I say , the fans have porotested against the PLC sale in 1990, the murdoch takeover in 1998, the glazer take over in 1995...they didnt lay down like some .

Yeah it's visible, and it's in the wrong fecking colour.

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