Rags Debt - Daily Mail & Panorama [Merged]

The Rags have gone full circle from Rags to riches and back to just plain old Rags. Guess it's a case of once a Rag always a Rag.

Half of them will be on our waiting list for Eastlands season tickets in a bit. Once a glory hunter, always a glory hunter.
Whitworth warrior said:
Balti said:
Money generated by the stock market is not money generated by football.

Money generated by the equivalent of mortgage debt is not generated by football.

Money generated by a gangster owner is not generated by football.
I think it's going back pre Glazers, the PLC was a great thing, fans had shares in the club, to bad it got exploited.
How did it get exploited?
Pam said:
johnny on the spot said:
Can we hang onto Whitworth? Seems alright.

Don't have a problem with him. He is alright ... for a rag.
Thank you, I'd like to drop the warrior though, it was used as an stupid decoy, I thought I would be banned in the first week.
Whitworth warrior said:
Pam said:
Don't have a problem with him. He is alright ... for a rag.
Thank you, I'd like to drop the warrior though, it was used as an stupid decoy, I thought I would be banned in the first week.

you should have been!
After reading up on a few bits on the net it was very crafty of them to do the bond issue to pay off the old debts which didn't allow them to take money out of the club if the debt was still standing,they are now free to take money out to prop up their failing buisness in the USA and pay for their lavish lifestyle. the cash cow of united is now paying for all of them instead of the planned 1.

I do think they will hang on till the death when the PIKs needs paying in 2017 and there is no way all the money from untied can they spend big money on transfers,pay the interest on the growing interest on the PIKs,the failing USA empire and the glaziers lifestyle.
Spending on players will be the first to go maybe not this year but in the next couple when the PIKs interest payments really start to bite along with paying all those morgages in the USA which have fallen into negative equaity which means remorgae isn't an option.

Yep they are fucked so long as the glaziers keep propping up their empire with the cash from united which means they will not sell or they crumble.It is for sure the drip drip drip.

With a little bit of luck I can see a recurring thing here with the next owners they could do the same all over again,buy the club over time load with debt to avoid the corparate tax use the club pay the debt drip drip drip.

I sit here in the early hours while playing poker and read all sorts of crap on the net and going from what I've read all the nitty gritty stuff on the glaziers and liverpools owners I still reckon liverpool are in a much worse state,not debt wise but overall.

It's all fun

It's such a shame baconface didn't see it,even though he would have been glued to the tv at 10.30 he'd have been too pissed to understand a word of it. :0)
Bluemoon115 said:
Whitworth warrior said:
I think it's going back pre Glazers, the PLC was a great thing, fans had shares in the club, to bad it got exploited.
How did it get exploited?
It was open to ruthless leverage takeovers, but everybody will say, tough.
Bluemoon115 said:
Whitworth warrior said:
I think it's going back pre Glazers, the PLC was a great thing, fans had shares in the club, to bad it got exploited.
How did it get exploited?

Shares was sold and bought, it created an opportunity for businessmen to take control of the club I guess he alludes to.

A more "safe" way might have been to adopt the german/spanish system where fans become members and pay for the privilege of having a "share" in their club..IMO

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