Rags Debt - Daily Mail & Panorama [Merged]

bumbles said:
happy said:
When it all blows up and they get evicted I hope we don't lend them our ground again!

Having said that if they do get chucked out of Trafford they'd want to go a little closer to their fan base so it'll probably be a groundshare with MK Dons.

is there anything original or witty in your post, or is regugitated untruths the norm on here?

bumbles said:
happy said:
When it all blows up and they get evicted I hope we don't lend them our ground again!

Having said that if they do get chucked out of Trafford they'd want to go a little closer to their fan base so it'll probably be a groundshare with MK Dons.

is there anything original or witty in your post, or is regugitated untruths the norm on here?

Shouldn't that be ' or are regurgitated untruths' rather than 'or is regurgitated untruths'?

No matter, it's a football forum and had I known that you expected Swiftian satire in every post I'd have made an extra special effort just for you; I am sorry. Now how about you fuck off back to whatever cradle of literary genius you wandered in from you mouth breathing, window licking, knuckle dragging, joyless prick?
Didsbury Dave said:
bumbles said:
just to correct you there hector...when United was floated in 1991..it raised £11M ..£3.3m went to the Edwards family..the rest went to pay for the Streford end to be rebuilt and for seating in the main stand...hardly a bastion of financial strength eh?

Another dewy-eyed myth.

The money went into the revenue pot,pure and simple, and the revenue pot funds transfers.

Eery other club in those days had to spend millions on upgrading their grounds after the Taylor report.

United got an £8m leg up the ladder, in the days when £8m bought four top class internationals.

Man United sucked the devils cock but now, unfortunately, they have to swallow.

that's a great decsription dave, just like john o'shea staggering down canal st after a night on minshull st bridge...
Adam Donnelly said:
What pissed me off more than anything on that shite program
Was our licence fee paying for some knob to go to a few scum games, then have a jolly in Florida without interviewing anyone.

Nice work BBC

yeah, i'm a tranmere fan who only started going when me dad died, and to prove what a family sport football is, i'm going to paint my face like a four year old
bumbles said:

just to correct you there hector...when United was floated in 1991..it raised £11M ..£3.3m went to the Edwards family..the rest went to pay for the Streford end to be rebuilt and for seating in the main stand...hardly a bastion of financial strength eh?

you still here Mumbles ??
samharris said:
bumbles said:
just to correct you there hector...when United was floated in 1991..it raised £11M ..£3.3m went to the Edwards family..the rest went to pay for the Streford end to be rebuilt and for seating in the main stand...hardly a bastion of financial strength eh?

you still here Mumbles ??

Yawn ...I know , but to be honest it is rather dull...same ol same old...blah blah blah..
bumbles said:
samharris said:
you still here Mumbles ??

Yawn ...I know , but to be honest it is rather dull...same ol same old...blah blah blah..

yeah..... debt blah...skint blah..fooked blah....no hope blah...Red gnomes blah...etc blah...ps blah..1.5 billion blah..bruce grob blah..

Very dull indeed...

Here- have some music whilst you blah...


Tell me....If you lose ur beloved swamp will that make you gnomad's ??
samharris said:
bumbles said:
Yawn ...I know , but to be honest it is rather dull...same ol same old...blah blah blah..

yeah..... debt blah...skint blah..fooked blah....no hope blah...Red gnomes blah...etc blah...ps blah..1.5 billion blah..bruce grob blah..

Very dull indeed...

agreed same ill informed pap..
bumbles said:

yeah..... debt blah...skint blah..fooked blah....no hope blah...Red gnomes blah...etc blah...ps blah..1.5 billion blah..bruce grob blah..

Very dull indeed...

agreed same ill informed pap..

Ah!! Ostrich blah... do you need a piccy to elaborate ??

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