Rags Debt - Daily Mail & Panorama [Merged]

Dukers said:
bumbles said:
well funny you should say that ...but the uptake of Seasoon tickets has caused some alarm at OT...they have put the application date back form end May to end June... as of last week less than 18,000 have applied compared to 53,000 last season ..

and Corporate box take up is down by 26%..

Haha. I love it that you associate this downturn in season tickets to spineless, green scarf waving, rags fans, making a stand against the Glazers. Really? That's how you justify it with yourself? I can almost hear your voice cracking with emotion, "bloody heroes every single one of those guys who defy those Glazers by missing our boys play out there. Bloody heroes, I tell ya" *sobs* You should put up a statue outide The Theatre of Dweebs showing the plight of the Utd fan.

BOLLOCKS!. I see how demoralised the rags are at work. Shoulders stooped, heads down. I sometimes think should I give them a hug but then I can't remember when the last time I got a tetinus jab was so I just give them a funeral-smile instead.
Their concerns aren't the Glazers. They are more concerned that they won't be winning stuff in the coming years. Yeah, they use the Glazer excuse (like you) and pretend they are passionate with the hate for them (even though they have had so much success under them. The mind boggles) but underneath it all, it's all about not winning stuff. That's why your fans will really stay away, because they will have nothing to cheer about. Because they are fickle....Fickle not being a strong enough defintion of how stupid and flakey you/they can be - 2nd in the league and league cup champions and yet they are still crying into their Mojitos all across London.

That's the mindset of a glory-hunter - The vast majority of you don't give a flying clit about the politics and economics of the club. You just want to talk loudly about your winning team.
True fans go through the thick and thin, through the good and bad. We stay and we rip the piss out of ourselves - have done for years. You should try that sometime. Laugh at yourself. Laugh at your club. It's the first step on the path of being a fan.

yet another great post from bluemoon newbie dukers. where have you been hiding until now?
rassclot said:
Dukers said:
Haha. I love it that you associate this downturn in season tickets to spineless, green scarf waving, rags fans, making a stand against the Glazers. Really? That's how you justify it with yourself? I can almost hear your voice cracking with emotion, "bloody heroes every single one of those guys who defy those Glazers by missing our boys play out there. Bloody heroes, I tell ya" *sobs* You should put up a statue outide The Theatre of Dweebs showing the plight of the Utd fan.

BOLLOCKS!. I see how demoralised the rags are at work. Shoulders stooped, heads down. I sometimes think should I give them a hug but then I can't remember when the last time I got a tetinus jab was so I just give them a funeral-smile instead.
Their concerns aren't the Glazers. They are more concerned that they won't be winning stuff in the coming years. Yeah, they use the Glazer excuse (like you) and pretend they are passionate with the hate for them (even though they have had so much success under them. The mind boggles) but underneath it all, it's all about not winning stuff. That's why your fans will really stay away, because they will have nothing to cheer about. Because they are fickle....Fickle not being a strong enough defintion of how stupid and flakey you/they can be - 2nd in the league and league cup champions and yet they are still crying into their Mojitos all across London.

That's the mindset of a glory-hunter - The vast majority of you don't give a flying clit about the politics and economics of the club. You just want to talk loudly about your winning team.
True fans go through the thick and thin, through the good and bad. We stay and we rip the piss out of ourselves - have done for years. You should try that sometime. Laugh at yourself. Laugh at your club. It's the first step on the path of being a fan.

yet another great post from bluemoon newbie dukers. where have you been hiding until now?

I'll second that ! What a fuckin great post !
this sums it all up good post
True fans go through the thick and thin, through the good and bad. We stay and we rip the piss out of ourselves - have done for years. You should try that sometime. Laugh at yourself. Laugh at your club. It's the first step on the path of being a fan. well said dunkers
I dont know if any of you lot read the rag section of the MuEN,its better than a beano comic for a ten year old,we need to get such and such,he would compliment the midfield,honestley does anybody else think they have a bad case of ostrich syndrome.What part of 1.1 billion in debt cant they grasp.I went on a utd board,and asked them the 3 teams they despise the most,guess what for an insignificant club like were meant to be,we got 75 percent of the bid,the new bitters is another they didnt like.
KenTheLandlord said:
bumbles said:
as I said in 24 years he has made mistakes in players...but you can count them on both hands..if that

Only if like you, you were born in Alabama, you 20 fingered, banjo duelling, mud swamper.

sorry, it's now Thursday and i'm still laughing :)
well that would be just enogh fingers to count the city managers in the same period eh?.....

now if we are talking dud city players...well..need I go on?
oh we are back to that again are we...tell me what is the figure today ..
500m,700m, 1.1b, 1.5n ...

there isnt one united fan who would defend the glazers ( not glaziers) ...so your point is?

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