Rags on here!!!

King Of The Kippax said:
In all seriousness, why come on here? This is a forum for supporters of Manchester City, Can u not go on one of your own forums, it really it quite sad to be honest. In fact Its actually flattering that you decide to spend your days/nights thinking of us, and there i was thinking Un*ted fans didnt care about lickle old City! i cant get my head around it,

Who said city were unimportant? They're very important to me, I hate the cunts. Ask United fans who they hate and most will say the scousers but its always been City for me and always will be, probably because I'm from the one of the very few blue areas of the city and I've spent my whole life surrounded by the bastards.
fruitboiler said:
Jay-Mcfc said:
Manchester_City_Blue said:

Good work blue, there biggest attendance that season was 59,000, and guess who it was against? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm!

Sorry to correct you Jay but their highest attendance that season was 62.277 against Blackpool,thought i'd correct you before Fallowfield Red got the chance

Oops, missed that out. Thanks blue.
Fallowfield Red said:
King Of The Kippax said:
In all seriousness, why come on here? This is a forum for supporters of Manchester City, Can u not go on one of your own forums, it really it quite sad to be honest. In fact Its actually flattering that you decide to spend your days/nights thinking of us, and there i was thinking Un*ted fans didnt care about lickle old City! i cant get my head around it,

Who said city were unimportant? They're very important to me, I hate the *****. Ask United fans who they hate and most will say the scousers but its always been City for me and always will be, probably because I'm from the one of the very blue areas of the city and I've spent my whole life surrounded by the bastards.

And you call us obsessed ...?

Irony's a funny thing.
Fallowfield Red said:
King Of The Kippax said:
In all seriousness, why come on here? This is a forum for supporters of Manchester City, Can u not go on one of your own forums, it really it quite sad to be honest. In fact Its actually flattering that you decide to spend your days/nights thinking of us, and there i was thinking Un*ted fans didnt care about lickle old City! i cant get my head around it,

Who said city were unimportant? They're very important to me, I hate the *****. Ask United fans who they hate and most will say the scousers but its always been City for me and always will be, probably because I'm from the one of the very blue areas of the city and I've spent my whole life surrounded by the bastards.
Fuck off you twat.
You sad little boy - fuck off back to your own board you obsessed twat - I have never been onto your forum because I could not give a shit about your team.
Right fallowfield rat can you honestly answer me this, why do you go out of your way to sign up to a city website and post a load of bollocks, but have the downright thickness to call us obsessed. You really cant see it can you, this is why everybody hates you, you truly are an inbred bunch of feckin ding dongs on a whole new level.
Fallowfield Red said:
King Of The Kippax said:
In all seriousness, why come on here? This is a forum for supporters of Manchester City, Can u not go on one of your own forums, it really it quite sad to be honest. In fact Its actually flattering that you decide to spend your days/nights thinking of us, and there i was thinking Un*ted fans didnt care about lickle old City! i cant get my head around it,

Who said city were unimportant? They're very important to me, I hate the *****. Ask United fans who they hate and most will say the scousers but its always been City for me and always will be, probably because I'm from the one of the very few blue areas of the cityand I've spent my whole life surrounded by the bastards.

Haha, he's edited his post to have a daft little lying dig. What a c unt.
I think its because UNITED have reached the top at a great cost that of being over 700,000,000 million in debt. Thats why poor blue nose cannot pay for Tevez at the moment.I really do think alot of them see us as the next club to be at the top for years to come and as such its the thing to be linked with MCFC.In addition they are certain to fall from mopping up leagues and cups as Sir Alex will be retired within 2 years if not sooner and he is almost impossible to be replaced ..and the new guy will only have very limited funds to work with .This will see the rats desert the sinking ship both players and supporters.
Hence lets make them welcome ..unless they cause problems.
Lets face it they are all taking the piss while they can because in 2yrs time they will be totally fucked and we will be giving them shit big time

They know the future is BLUE
spanishblue said:
Lets face it they are all taking the piss while they can because in 2yrs time they will be totally fucked and we will be giving them shit big time

They know the future is BLUE

Nail well and truly hit on the head there mate. These twats aren't happy unless they're taking the piss, and this is coming to an end very soon, and deep down in their souls they know it. Can't wait for that day to come, because being a rag in Manchester is not going to be much fun!

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