Rags V Real...

Watching sky sports news.

They're doing a round up of tonights game and totally miss out the wrongly disallowed goal. Talk about every other key moment but not that. They're portraying a good United team were 1-0 up and robbed with a red and then punished by Real.

Now if this and the papers haven't proven something I do not know what will.
Chelsea are in for it this weekend - an irate United in the Cup with Howard Webb in charge!
The decision is one where if it was your team you'd be gutted, but if not you could find an argument for it

Yellow for me
Bilboblue said:
super_city_si said:
stan bowles said:
Phelan "...a distraught manager...that's why I'm sat here now...!"

Man up Fergie....you've been getting decisions like this going for you for years. Leaves it to his lackey to face the media....priceless !!
Classless ****. Ferdinand too stood in the refs face applauding. Shameless, classless, shithouse of a club.

There HAS to be a retrospective European ban for camel-gob, whatever he thought of the ref, that was disgraceful, the ref should have red carded him for that.

I was just about to post something along those lines. Totally disrespectful and aggressive sarcasm. Again shows what a total arrogant,obnoxious twat he is. He won't get a ban though-----A cover up job to deflect fron the Nani decision i think.
What poor losers! And now it's there for all the world to see... -)

The fact that Nani feigned injury tells you everything. And he left his foot in.

It comes to something when the ONLY man talking any sense about it is Roy fucking Keane!?

Plus I'd be gutted if we'd have capitulated like that after losing a man.
This might be the point where their season starts to crumble. Stranger things have happened in football ............................... Aguerooooooooo
Unknown_Genius said:
deano ou812 said:
City Raider said:
wonder if there would be this outrage if say balo had made that tackle
Exactly,papers weds will be ref costs utd place in quarter finals,were as with mario was all about him costing city a place in the next round and calling him a disgrace,if anyone didnt believe there was a media bias towards the rags,well tonight would have seen to that....


Nobody defended Balotelli for that.

Exactly, we knew he deserved that red. United and the media are a joke

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