Rags V Real...

Swales lives said:
I liked Interpolantics, he's also a fan of the Judas spin-off FCUM as well.
I wish we could have kept him - his hate filled bile was a joy to read.

If he plays nice ill let him back on. Can't see it.
Interpolantics said:
mcmanus said:
Interpolantics said:
Good man ,at least you have a bit of sense.

-- Wed Mar 06, 2013 4:41 am --


Fuck off you condescending rag twat. I don't need you telling me I have sense because I know I have. Your team lost because Jose took advantage of a situation and your pisscan boss didn't.

You're morphing into the rest of the idiots now,your making no sense .Pretend city are big again.

Do one plastic.<br /><br />-- Wed Mar 06, 2013 8:55 am --<br /><br />
Interpolantics said:
blue underpants said:
Interpolantics said:
Yea but ye were good back then,but now Silva and Toure don't seem to care and even Villa outplay your sorry ass'.Mike Deane is your most affective player ffs and your so far back in the league it's not even funny.Back in your box.Can't wait until we beat you bitter ***** for the double in Wembley too.

P.s I respect Bluemoon for at least letting me dog all the idiotic egg stained inhabitants without banning me just coz you don'tagree with my excellent points.
What day did you escape from your padded cell?
Medication calling

The fact that city fans still derive their most joy from seeing United fail really says a lot.City aren't even relevant when it comes to European football,Cluj have a better record ffs.

So why oh why you whopper are you on our forum ??
Blue Tooth said:

Loving that!
The Match Thread on Ragcafe is almost, ALMOST, as good as the last day of last season. Fucking fuck the fucking Rag twats. Hope we fucking dick them in the FA Cup final.

Too many fucks?

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