Rags V Real...

Keane was excellent value I must say. Big red face, rage on (mostly it seems with Nani, there was definitely a disparaging remark/ bite my tongue moment) his aggressiveness towards Southgate in particular was pretty funny.

I actually don't mind Soutgate and Dixon (even Chiles was good at playing Devil's advocate yesterday), but when they started the whole 'eyes on the ball', 'trying to control it'... Keane just cut across them and eviscerated them. The best bit was when he cut off Southgate's comment 'he didn't know he was there' with "does he think he's got 20 yards of space?"

Anyway, the real criminal yesterday was Evra, the diving, fouling, cheating shit sack. Ducked under Modric's shot.
Ha ha ha - can't stop smiling.
I've been reminding the rags at work how much they laughed at us when we were 2-1 up at Madrid and they came back to beat us 3-2, and how they laughed.
What goes around, comes around doesn't it. Ha
mcmanus said:
AntiUnited said:
Man Rage cafe is in complete meltdown its just epic!!

Last time. Link please I want a good laugh.

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.redcafe.net/f6/mourning-after-night-before-367389/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.redcafe.net/f6/mourning-afte ... re-367389/</a>

here u go. the tears <3
Does anyone know what time the Coalition Government are making an announcement on last night disgraceful events ?
I am told the U.N. will be giving a statement at noon so that might help this terrible situation, all we need now is Platini to 'man up' and rightly, correctly and justifiably award the tie to the team who were winning when this abhorrent terrorist attck took place.
Turkey as a nation have no place in world events after last nights awful tragic scenes.
Just had a blazing row with a rag, who wouldn't have it that the nani challenge was even worthy of a yellow

Truely staggering how deluded these fuckers are

I reminded him - this is how the rest of the league feels when you get bent decisions all the time. you have simply come up against a bigger team, that has got the rub of the green with a ref. what goes around comes around
AntiUnited said:
mcmanus said:
AntiUnited said:
Man Rage cafe is in complete meltdown its just epic!!

Last time. Link please I want a good laugh.

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.redcafe.net/f6/mourning-after-night-before-367389/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.redcafe.net/f6/mourning-afte ... re-367389/</a>

here u go. the tears <3

My favourite.

You know what really bothers me? Rival team fans who aren't even IN the competition (I'm looking at you, rentboys) celebrating more than Madrid fans at our elimination. I get the single post laughing at our demise, but constant jibes and taunts that Utd were eliminated from fans whose clubs didn't even progress to the knockout stage just gets kn my nerves.

Philip Handley

9:44 AM on 6/3/2013

It's about time that idiot ferguson realised that at last in 25 years he has had to accept that at last a referee has had the courage NOT to be intimidated by ferguson and applied the rules of the game. The kick by nanny was dangerous if it had been commited against on of fergy players he would have been demanding a red card. Get over the loss al those man u idiots and get on with the game. You lost to a better side managed by a far better manager.
Ferguson sgould realise that at last he does not own ALL REFEREES like he thinks he does.

Spot on my friend.Hehehehheeeeeeeeeeee.
Standard reply to the rags today is you came up against a team who were the actual CHAMPIONS of their country and you got knocked out, just shows you had an easy group.
They get a wind-up by the ref for once in a million years and now they are thinking of "destroying" Chelsea.

The whole world's laughing. Classless twats.

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