Raheem Sterling - Done - See main forum

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Putting everything aside. Those for and against the transfer.

This just shows how far we've come as a club that we can buy *Liverpool's* best player and they can't do anything about it, apart from hold out for the best price possible. Who'd have thought all those years ago. Would it happen the other way around, not it wouldn't.

This fact will be lost on the Liverpool fans as they celebrate a £40mill-£50mill winfall for Liverpool FC.

very good point jrb, we need to keep reminding ourselves of this, oh how things have changed
He also said that City were way off last season,and he thinks that Arsenal and the Rags will get stronger,way off ??? Yea ok 8 points but we were second I'm pretty sure we finished above those two,so take with a pinch of salt what that tosser says,we don't need plaudits off someone like him
Factor in Kun and David Silva playing with him,rather than what Liverpool had to offer attack wise last season.Frightening for any defense in Europe.

The season when Liverpool ran us close, Sterling was magnificent (he has done plenty of damage to us in the games we've faced him) He had Suarez and Sturridge to work alongside, last season he had to deal with no Suarez, virtually no Sturridge and due to his excellent performances the previous year he had opposition teams "make plans for him". Not to mention I think Brenda had him play wide midfield, wing back and up front on his own!!! (his constant position swapping is something that gets over looked by most people, that must have been so hard for him at such a young age to adapt to the constant changes, yet arguably he was still one of their most effective players last season).

Sterling has much to learn and he'll frustrate at times, but he'll have no better place to learn, than alongside, Aguero, Silva and Yaya.
I've stayed consistent throughout..........Sterling will be a great signing for us, I really do believe that!
How much would it cost for you to stop posting?

About as much as it would cost for you to not have an opinion either.
So thank you for you valuable input.

He's got something special. It's Liverpool who should be screaming. 12 months ago he was unsaleable. Now it looks like he is going to go for £40m plus add ons, which gets you what? A Benteke and only because he has a release clause. Each year the market goes up with the money in the game, and other clubs are paying it eg Shaw, Depay etc so if we don't pay it, we'll be back where we were looking on and these players will be going for what £50m next season. It's like the housing market, or any other rising market, you don't like it but what do you do. I'd sit this one out myself because I don't think anyone else is in for him so I think we can drive the price down, but it would be better for the coach if he gets his man asap. As others have said, if we have the resources, then why as fans do we need to worry what is paid if the club can sustain it?

Fair point. I know it's always better to do business early. And as others have said, the fact that he is English drives the price some.
I hope he does turn out to be just what we need, I really do. I just think 40 mil + is a very big gamble for a player at this stage of his career.
We have had our fingers burnt before on young English talent, Scott Sinclair & Adam Johnson are the first 2 that come to mind.
I'm not saying sterling WILL flop, I'm just wary of un-substansiated claimes of the next [insert legends name here] whilst they have only has 1 or 2 decent seasons.
Last year Everton wanted 40mil for Barkley. We dodged a bullet there.

When it comes down to it mate every transfer is a gamble! Big clubs if they want a player just pay it! If it doesn't work out then it doesn't work out its not like we are not making lots of money! But what they don't want to do is lose out on a player for a few million and that player turns out to be a superstar for a club for the next 10 years!

Fair play pal. That's how a lot of big clubs do business. And maybe man City fan 72 is right.
Maybe it's the fallout and the slagging well get that's leaving a sour taste in my mouth.
The deal just doesn't sit right for me.
I said above, I hope I'm wrong and he turns out to be mint. I just don't want to see us ripped off just because we CAN pay it.

We may as well out a 400m bid in for Messi if we're not arsed about the money.
On which planet are Sinclair and Sterling even remotely similar situations ?

I used Sinclair as an example of a decent looking young English lad not cutting the mustard.
Now IF sterling fails to live up to the hype, then it would be quite similar.
As I mentioned once or twice, I hope he DOES cut the mustard. I just think 40m is a huge risk.
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