Raoul Moat

corky1970 said:
Lunar Blue said:
ok ill say it !!

stop being a fecking killjoy and enjoy the fun fest and hilarity that is this small town and Gazza and the enitre britsh nuclear task force surrounding one man in a field !

thta picture of the tazer cop is probably going to go down as one the THE funniest in history !

How the fuck am I being a killjoy????? Have I asked anyone to stop enjoying themselves? Have I said this is out of order? I merely offered an opinion on what the copper in the picture was thinking!!!! FFS! Give us a break.

cheers mate.you saved my life and brought me back with a bump, i will forever be in your debt

miserable git[/quote]

Fuck me! What have I done for all this shit!!!???
gaz76 said:
Lunar Blue said:
Now that is funny
BREAKING NEWS!!! Lunar blue has found his sense of humour, it took the death of corky, but in the long run I think everyone will agree it was worth it!!

Again! What the fuck have I done to get so much flak?????? It must be summer and there are no City full-backs to abuse.
glen quagmire said:
Am i the only 1 who doesn't want this to end?

I hope it continues, i will wake up soon and this will have been a dream. Can you imagine if this was a dream and i came on here tomorrow telling you what had happened with gazza etc, you would have told me to get fucked lol!!!
JakeRedMCFC said:
if this was in spain or somewhere where the police dont take any shit this would of ended hours ago

I think there is something to be said for negotiations. There shouldn't be any more unnecessary bloodshed, surely.

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