Re: Kompany's red card and appeal? (merged)

nevilletogoater-in said:
Ardwick AFC said:
Hmmmm.....if we get away with this, I'll buy a lotto ticket this afternoon.

Just look at Nani's reaction there. Absolutely nothing, no grimace, no pain and more importantly no diving.

Just a good, honest, strong tackle that will get punished.

I agree, it's the type of tackle you'd be proud of 10 years ago, but you can't do it anymore. What if Nani, hadn't have turned an seen Vinny sliding in? The consequences could have been horrifc, which only begs the question. What was the point of doing it? The ball was miles away from our goal, and right under the refs nose. It was reckless.

Maybe I'm reading into this too much, but when Nani went clean through for the winner in the CS, it was Vinny who had the mishap and missed his tackle, maybe he was making sure this time, and trying to stick one on him? Dunno, but his actions may end up hurting the team in the long run.
MCFC BOB said:
bobmcfc said:
MCFC BOB said:
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

they had no choice because he did it directly to the camera. if you watch any man u game you will see rooney calling the ref every name under the sun, gobbing off constantly and just getting away with it. everyone sees him doing it but its hushed up for the most part.
Ah, "no choice". But I thought he was their golden boy?

You think could they ignore the media shit storm demanding a ban ? he was yelling fuck off to the viewing public. i don't see how they could ignore it.
watch the sending off again and Foy cant even look kompany in the eye, he knows its wrong and hes gonna get fucked over it!!
This on RAWK

RUMOURSon twitter that kompanys red card has been rescinded and will feature tomoz FA to issue a statement at 14.30.

So I'm not holding my breath...
Ardwick AFC said:
nevilletogoater-in said:
Ardwick AFC said:
Hmmmm.....if we get away with this, I'll buy a lotto ticket this afternoon.

Just look at Nani's reaction there. Absolutely nothing, no grimace, no pain and more importantly no diving.

Just a good, honest, strong tackle that will get punished.

I agree, it's the type of tackle you'd be proud of 10 years ago, but you can't do it anymore. What if Nani, hadn't have turned an seen Vinny sliding in? The consequences could have been horrifc, which only begs the question. What was the point of doing it? The ball was miles away from our goal, and right under the refs nose. It was reckless.

Maybe I'm reading into this too much, but when Nani went clean through for the winner in the CS, it was Vinny who had the mishap and missed his tackle, maybe he was making sure this time, and trying to stick one on him? Dunno, but his actions may end up hurting the team in the long run.

What kind of logic is behind the comment what if Nani hadn't turned and seen VK slide in? What if someone goes to head a ball and completely misses it, are we saying that we shouldn't have players go for headers incase they miss the ball and knock their opponant out? Point is Kompany won the ball, Nani was in no danger as the ball was clearly won without touching the player.

You say it was reckless and with the ball being a long way from goal there was no need for it, so what were the options, let Nani get the ball and go past him?

I don't buy into this whole two footed business, only one foot was ever aimed at the ball, only one foot won the ball. In those type of tackles you can't leave the other leg behind, it's impossible. It has to come through with the other leg and it came round from a completely different direction. There was no movement towards the ball with two feet. If we are saying players can't make tackles because of what may have happened if they didn't win the ball then I give up. Every slide tackle can be deemed dangerous if thats the case because if you don't win the ball you could catch the player but you won't see a red card for all slide tackles that fail to take any of the ball let alone winthe ball as Kompany did.
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Im going to really annoy people here and say that i think it was a red card mainly because i believe Jay Spearings was and that this is not very different

I disagree - Spearing seemed hell bent on taking the player out on his follow through. He won the ball but went in a damn sight higher than Kompany.

Put it this way, if a United player was sent off for a tackle identical to Kompany's I'd think it equally harsh.
Chris in London said:
This on RAWK

RUMOURSon twitter that kompanys red card has been rescinded and will feature tomoz FA to issue a statement at 14.30.

So I'm not holding my breath...

You posted at 14.41 so they are wrong on at least one point. :-)

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