Re: So the major news was/is {Terry merged}

Re: John Terry

To mess with a friend's bird is a cardinal sin. Shows him as an untrustworthy,
selfish prick. I hope his other friends are investing in chastity belts. This
happened to a mate of mine about 18 months ago and he was devestated.
Thank fuck we didn't sign him.
Re: John Terry

He can be as good as he fucking wants, players like that I would NEVER want at city no matter how good they are. Same goes with retards like Rooney, that grandma hooker scandal, are you kidding me? That's one of the reason we are different, we care about that stuff, and I'm sure the majority of us would never want such idiots at the club, even thought they are good on the pitch. Disgusting Terry.
Re: John Terry

WTF is all the commotion about? Didn't Eric Cantona do the same thing at Leeds? Some high profile guys (eg. Bill Clinton) simply need to have more than one pussy. Also, it seems that Wayne Bridge and his girlfriend had split up before the affair started.
Re: John Terry

Ric said:
To be honest I never really wanted the **** at City, even though he'd improve our team significantly. He just strikes me as the archetypal cockney dickhead and not really the type of player I want to see in a City shirt.

It's the same with Rooney (albeit the archetypal Scouse dickhead) - there was a thread on here the other eulogising about him, and praying we bid £100m for him. He's clearly a brilliant player, but even though we have unlimited funds I don't want us to go out and just bid for any player (the fact that neither would join us is irrelevant).

Whilst I want us to have the best team possible, I'd feel a bit of a fraud cheering on certain players. I know football fans are fickle (think Alan Smith at Leeds/United) but there are other players out there. I'm probably in a minority, but I'd be happier never seeing Terry (or indeed Rooney) in a City shirt.

Back on topic, Bridge must be gutted and I feel for him but these things happen in real life (bloke shags mates missu). Feel like it's being blown a bit out of proportion.

Agree entirely Ric, meanwhile can I add that cowardly diving shitbag Gerrard to the list of players I wouldn't want City to touch with the proverbial barge pole ?
Re: John Terry

Ric said:
To be honest I never really wanted the **** at City, even though he'd improve our team significantly. He just strikes me as the archetypal cockney dickhead and not really the type of player I want to see in a City shirt.

It's the same with Rooney (albeit the archetypal Scouse dickhead) - there was a thread on here the other eulogising about him, and praying we bid £100m for him. He's clearly a brilliant player, but even though we have unlimited funds I don't want us to go out and just bid for any player (the fact that neither would join us is irrelevant).

Whilst I want us to have the best team possible, I'd feel a bit of a fraud cheering on certain players. I know football fans are fickle (think Alan Smith at Leeds/United) but there are other players out there. I'm probably in a minority, but I'd be happier never seeing Terry (or indeed Rooney) in a City shirt.

Back on topic, Bridge must be gutted and I feel for him but these things happen in real life (bloke shags mates missu). Feel like it's being blown a bit out of proportion.

Agree with everything said here except the last sentiment. See how you would like it if one of your mates shagged your wife. It's blown all out of proportion until it happens to you. If I was in a platoon and my commanding officer shagged my wife before we shipped out, I probably won't trust him or put much stock in what he says, and the same goes for the rest of the platoon...don't think he'll captain England effectively now
Mind you, Capello is very pragmatic. He just might not pick Bridge to maintain harmony in the squad now and to appease his capitane

Just ranting Ric, know you wouldn't like it either
I have some sympathy for those who say 'who cares' and 'it doesn't matter', but it clearly does. Aside from the impact on Wayne's performance, Terry's position as England captain is now untenable. I really can't see Capello standing for this kind of shit - how can you have a 'leader' who's been having an affair with a team-mate's partner?

Every press conference Terry attends - and he has to as captain - is going to be filled with questions about this. Capello won't want that kind of distraction.
Re: John Terry

Putting the actions of Terry aside for a second, there is no doubting his talent as a footballer, and being world cup year it's a massive period for England, therefore with the fall out of his actions I can see Bridge being the one who would suffer regarding international duty, that may be un fair but Terry is one of the most important players for England where as Bridge is just on the fringes! So if there are any after effects from Terrys actions, like Bridge not being able to be around Terry etc, I sadly feel it'll be Bridge who is thrown to the way side regarding England. Those hoping Terry gets stripped of the England arm band etc, can forget IMO, he done something wrong and he should rightly take all the shit coming his way but it wont effect his profesional status, apart from maybe losing a few sponsership deals. As for Bridge, I wish him the best, and it's time like these he'll realise who is real mates are, on the footballing front his form has been up and down, but he can be class, hope we give him an extra special welcome when he makes his return.

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