Reaction Videos

I only watch reaction videos if the person doing the reacting actually adds some value that isn’t just sitting in the corner pulling faces to sponge views and revenue off the creativity of others. In my opinion some of it is tantamount to creative theft no different to profiting from piracy.

There has to be some transformative element to it. I will watch a series where, say a classical composer reacts to some contemporary music because they usually add a lot of interesting insight and commentary. Or LegalEagle reacting to how accurate the portrayal of the legal system is in various movies. That is a fair and value-add way of doing it.

This “American reacts to British sports” or “Random person I don’t care about hears/sees/watches X for the first time” type of shite though… Nah. I’ll pass. Brain rot.
A less sensational but nevertheless highly intriguing take on the genre.

The Behaviour Panel - expert analysis of the clues and cues displayed in footage of people from Depp and Herd, to Harry and Megan, to the McCanns, to Savile...
I have a kind of love hate relationship with first time reaction videos.
Most make me cringe, but I do have a soft spot for seeing the reaction of people watching and listening to my guitar hero, Rory Gallagher for the first time.

Some are purely a thank you for the donation and you can tell, but I love seeing people genuinely blown away by someone they know very little about or have heard very little of.

I think this guy is genuinely blown away. He has heard other songs suggested to him and has had a similar experience.

I almost forgive him stopping the track to comment, purely for the fact that he is playing the original audio from the live album and not the edited version from the video which comes in halfway and misses some of the best guitar work.

I call bollocks on all these “listened for the first time” reaction videos. You’d have to be living under a rock not to know a load of the songs they post.
Not exactly a first reaction but she’s right about this song and Luke’s breath control.
It’s insane. I’d love to be able to sing this song, but I find it damn near impossible.
Love the last verse;
The boys of Liverpool, when we safely landed
Called meself a fool, I could no longer stand it…..

Yeah well they got their comeuppance.


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