reading tickets selling fast {merged}

Didsbury Dave said:
SWP's back said:
Bollocks mate and you know it. Your Dad called up - just like I did. Not seperate systems in that extreme. Online had level 2, the phone guys had level two.

You can't squirm out of this one. One of you was talking crap. You know it.

(4th time in a row with the joke, you're quite the fun guy aren't you - you could always meet me for a beer and decide if I am nice or intimidating)
Didn't think you'd be man enough pmsl.

It's a while since I've had a veiled threat on bm but there were as yet undiscovered tribes in the amazon who knew it would be from you. So you can be intimidating on forums as well as real life eh?

Don't worry about the apology, it's worth it to see you fuck up again ;-)

Just to confirm the facts in black and white again, my dad called up as instructed to relocate after lunch today. He was only offered the front of the north stand.

My guess is you can't understand sniffs explanation above. No shame in that

so billy's coming too then?
Re: reading tickets selling fast

sniff said:
Marvin said:
Look the only area where significant numbers of tickets remain is North Stand Level 2.

And we know this because this time all but Colin Bell L2 went up on the on-line planner so anyone who wanted to could log on and have a look at how the sales were going

There isn't a separate supply of tickets unless the new ground has been built in secret

No one is suggesting their is a secret supply is their.

I find it amazing that the concept of not releasing every ticket on the website at once is blowing your mind.

North stand did'nt go up straight away and people where saying their is only xxx ammount of tickets left, then as if by a miracle another whole new shiny stand was bulit (by your explanation) called the North stand.

I dont think their is any major rush and the website is historicaly wrong, anyone remember the threads every week where some one counted all the seats ???

the reason that stopped was because it changed on a daily basis.

and Didsbury Dave......... An apology for what ??
Look I know the on-line plan doesn't always cover the whole seating area, but this time every block in every stand bar West Level 2 has been on there so we know what's what. And fans have phoned the Ticket line and posted what they have been told so please just stop arguing.
to add my two penneth...I phoned up today to book my own North Stand Level one seat(forgot at the weekend), but they had sold out. Had to get seats in a different part of the North stand..that sounds to me like it's selling well.
Didsbury Dave said:
SWP's back said:
Bollocks mate and you know it. Your Dad called up - just like I did. Not seperate systems in that extreme. Online had level 2, the phone guys had level two.

You can't squirm out of this one. One of you was talking crap. You know it.

(4th time in a row with the joke, you're quite the fun guy aren't you - you could always meet me for a beer and decide if I am nice or intimidating)
Didn't think you'd be man enough pmsl.

It's a while since I've had a veiled threat on bm but there were as yet undiscovered tribes in the amazon who knew it would be from you. So you can be intimidating on forums as well as real life eh?

Don't worry about the apology, it's worth it to see you fuck up again ;-)

Just to confirm the facts in black and white again, my dad called up as instructed to relocate after lunch today. He was only offered the front of the north stand.

My guess is you can't understand sniffs explanation above. No shame in that

If you look dickbrain at my reply to JMW - it was sincere, I was bored of your constant "intimidating" thing you have going on and would prefer to get along with you. Real life this may not be, but as I have stated more than enough times, I believe you to be a big blue and rather than argue all the time, a quick pint and a hello would, I am sure make life on here a lot easier. It is always easier to be pally after contact in the real world.

What was that you were saying about apologies?

As I said re your Dad, if he couldn't pluck up the courage to suggest level 2 and as such isn't going to the game, it's his look-out and you aren't up to much as a son for not sorting it for him. There is still time so you can still save the day.

Or he could just wait until L3 opens.

ps - Love the insult to my intelligence, classy and ever so true.<br /><br />-- Mon Mar 07, 2011 8:21 pm --<br /><br />
JoeMercer'sWay said:
so billy's coming too then?

Only if he can find me a pikey for my wedding. Does he know any?
The simple fact is that this game should be a sell out, its piss poor that a quarter final at home in the F A Cup against lower league opposition is not sold out already. The tickets are cheap and its not as though we are bored of reaching the latter stages of cup competitions. What more do City fans want?
carlosthejackal said:
The simple fact is that this game should be a sell out, its piss poor that a quarter final at home in the F A Cup against lower league opposition is not sold out already. The tickets are cheap and its not as though we are bored of reaching the latter stages of cup competitions. What more do City fans want?

You are right.

But what we want is a proper ticketing system, where all seats are shown on the OS site. Buy that seat and it's gone. People then know exactly what seats are still for sale.

Instead we have a game of cat and mouse, with levels closed, only blocks showing and no seats, blocks not for sale until other blocks sell out, etc, etc. I could go on.

I don't know what City are up too, but it's not the first time this has happened. If City are trying to put fans off from attending this match, they are doing a damned good job of it.

Stop pissing about City and start selling tickets easily and properly.
One upper NS block gone limited with 3 lower blocks gone completely now. Must be well past the 30k mark already.

Block 211 gone with 5 left in 212 that part of the ground could be real fun on Sunday if everyone brings what they say they are going to do.
Can't wait for this game its hopefully going to be a mad house with the Kippax taking the lead :))))))
carlosthejackal said:
The simple fact is that this game should be a sell out, its piss poor that a quarter final at home in the F A Cup against lower league opposition is not sold out already. The tickets are cheap and its not as though we are bored of reaching the latter stages of cup competitions. What more do City fans want?

Not everyone is in your or my position Carlos. We can be there but many can't, for many reasons. Still plenty of time left & I expect a close-to-a-sell-out. Keep the faith.

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