reading tickets selling fast {merged}

Billy Spurdle said:
carlosthejackal said:
The simple fact is that this game should be a sell out, its piss poor that a quarter final at home in the F A Cup against lower league opposition is not sold out already. The tickets are cheap and its not as though we are bored of reaching the latter stages of cup competitions. What more do City fans want?

Not everyone is in your or my position Carlos. We can be there but many can't, for many reasons. Still plenty of time left & I expect a close-to-a-sell-out. Keep the faith.

I bet they would all be able to make it to Wembley if we get there.No doubt they will all come out from the woodwork, claiming its not fair that they cant get a ticket.
here's what will happen. City will wait until tier 1 and 2 sell out and then open both 3rd tiers with really cheap seats. Watch the rush Hamburg style. Those that wait will get abargain.
Re: reading tickets selling fast

Marvin said:
sniff said:
No one is suggesting their is a secret supply is their.

I find it amazing that the concept of not releasing every ticket on the website at once is blowing your mind.

North stand did'nt go up straight away and people where saying their is only xxx ammount of tickets left, then as if by a miracle another whole new shiny stand was bulit (by your explanation) called the North stand.

I dont think their is any major rush and the website is historicaly wrong, anyone remember the threads every week where some one counted all the seats ???

the reason that stopped was because it changed on a daily basis.

and Didsbury Dave......... An apology for what ??
Look I know the on-line plan doesn't always cover the whole seating area, but this time every block in every stand bar West Level 2 has been on there so we know what's what. And fans have phoned the Ticket line and posted what they have been told so please just stop arguing.

Look ive explained the reasons as to why i understand i am correct, if you have further information from some one who works their also, then please share. Im not against the idea im wrong, just the fact that you cant take onboard an idea that isnt your own.

Im not arguing with anyone, just stating the facts, the Ticketline is an outside agency. so make of that what you will, but id go with the guy who sits at the desk and see's the whole picture.

but feel free to continue...... i was just trying to save some people the time and effort, since its not an accurate tool of measurement.

carlos : please shut up with you elitist bullshit...... yeah their are lots of people who will jump on the band waggon.

I havent got my ticket yet, but id be safe to bet you cant have been to more home games than me in the last 6 years. so whats your point, people have to wait or miss games for many valid reason's.
carlosthejackal said:
Billy Spurdle said:
Not everyone is in your or my position Carlos. We can be there but many can't, for many reasons. Still plenty of time left & I expect a close-to-a-sell-out. Keep the faith.

I bet they would all be able to make it to Wembley if we get there.No doubt they will all come out from the woodwork, claiming its not fair that they cant get a ticket.

And a lot of them would be right, there will be a hell of a lot of City fans who might not attend as regularly nowadays but have all put the miles in over the years and more than deserve a day at wembley.

Surely you can see that?
jrb said:
here's what will happen. City will wait until tier 1 and 2 sell out and then open both 3rd tiers with really cheap seats. Watch the rush Hamburg style. Those that wait will get abargain.

I've been thinking this. They don't want to reduce all seats to Hamburg level cos the hardcore supporters will pay more so and the club would lose out so they rejig it so that the 3rd tiers become the cheap seats for the floaters/ part-timers/ tourists and plastics. Wouldn't surprise me to see them do this. Cue howls of protest from L3 ST holders and those who would have waited and paid less! lol
jrb said:
here's what will happen. City will wait until tier 1 and 2 sell out and then open both 3rd tiers with really cheap seats. Watch the rush Hamburg style. Those that wait will get abargain.

If that happens I will eat a sandwich.
SWP's back said:
jrb said:
here's what will happen. City will wait until tier 1 and 2 sell out and then open both 3rd tiers with really cheap seats. Watch the rush Hamburg style. Those that wait will get abargain.

If that happens I will eat a sandwich.

I'll make it it?
Balti said:
jrb said:
here's what will happen. City will wait until tier 1 and 2 sell out and then open both 3rd tiers with really cheap seats. Watch the rush Hamburg style. Those that wait will get abargain.

I've been thinking this. They don't want to reduce all seats to Hamburg level cos the hardcore supporters will pay more so and the club would lose out so they rejig it so that the 3rd tiers become the cheap seats for the floaters/ part-timers/ tourists and plastics. Wouldn't surprise me to see them do this. Cue howls of protest from L3 ST holders and those who would have waited and paid less! lol
In the event they release level 3 at a cheaper price expect howls of protest, and quite rightly in my opinion, because that would be screwing the most loyal supporters at the expense of dragging in a few extra "day trippers". That would be taking the piss in my opinion.

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