When we buy airline tickets we are subjected to extreme examples of price rationing: early prices are low , later prices tend to move up in relation to demand and can get extortionate as last few seats are squeezed up to very high prices for popular flights.
It's not always fair and luck can play a role in what people end up paying...but most people accept the system for what it is.
But when other businesses (such as City) attempt even minor innovations / strategies for selling seats (such as closing 3rd tier / differential pricing by area of ground / cheaper prices for buying early) it seems that everyone complains if they don't end up with the perfect result.
For the Reading game, I would have liked to see the club:
i) try + generate a good atmosphere by packing out Levels 1 + 2
ii) try + encourage attendance by keeping prices cheap/reasonable
iii) prioritise City fans over Reading fans in handling away ticket allocation
iv) be flexible in their decision to open L3 once demand justified it
They have just about delivered on all 4 points, but we still have a 75 page whinge thread, and toys coming out of the pram because of minor issues relating to small price differentials + people not sitting in their "usual" seat.