really REALLY **** jokes that still make you laugh

Re: really REALLY shit jokes that still make you laugh

Pigeonho said:
Horse walks into a bar. 'why the long face'?

Coats already on
Surely that should be - Van Nistelrooy walks into a bar. Why the long face?
At least that's the way I heard it ;)
Bit of a long one...

A bloke goes to doctors and says “doctor doctor my cocks gone orange.”

The doctor says “well it may be stress “and persisted to ask him a few questions he started with

“How is your work life?” The man replies “brilliant I love my job I get paid well and I do what I enjoy and well every ones really nice.”

The Doctor then says “well that’s good, but how’s your sex life?”
The man reply’s “well that’s great I’m going out with this great woman I’m thinking she’s the one and well she’s amazing in bed to so I can’t complain there.”

Then the doctor asks finally “what about your social life?”
The man replies “what do you mean?”
The doctor says “well what do you do in your spare time?”
The man then replies “well not much really most the time I just wank and eat Wotsits”....
Why do firemen have bigger balls than policemen? They sell more tickets!
What do you call a french man wearing sandals?
Phillipe Falloppe.

What does a mexican fireman call his 2 sons?
José and Hose B

A baker puts two muffins in an oven and lights it up.
One muffin says to the other, 'phwoar, it's getting hot in here now mate.'
The other muffin replies... 'FUCKING HELL! A TALKING MUFFIN!'

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