Recommend a good book?

<a class="postlink-local" href="" onclick=";return false;">viewtopic.php?f=5&t=262192</a> Some great ones in here...
tidyman said:
mackenzie said:
tidyman said:
I go years without reading a book and then have spells of reading loads.

I'm reading Mo Hayder books at the minute and I've not read any better in her field.

Her most recent one, Hanging Hill, is particularly good if you're into gruesome crime type books.

I was reading that in a pub once when I was waiting for my other half. A couple saw me reading it and enthused about her series about the detective (can't remember his name now).
Loved Hanging Hill but just couldn't get into the detective series one :-(

DI Jack Caffrey.

Funnily enough I just finished the first in that series, The Birdman, last night and thought it was very good. So I picked up the second one, The Treatment, from the library on my way to work today.

Her other individual books, The Devil of Nanking, AKA Tokyo and Pig Island are both very good also.

That's the one.
And actually, thinking about it, I did manage to read The Birdman but didn't fancy reading the second in the series straight after.
Maybe I'll pick it up again at some point.

Used to love the Peter James Dead books about DI Grace but even they got a bit samey. The first few were great though.

Tend to read a variety, always have.
Love the Classics but also like true crime, bios, history and the odd quirky book that just comes out of nowhere and brightens your life.
Kate Atkinson's works about 10 years ago were a particular favourite. Wonderfully unique and clever. Bit mad though ;-)
Magicpants said:
The Sett by Ranulph Fiennes.

I read a lot and it is without question the best book I have ever read, an amazing story of one normal bloke and Yardies, Mafia, CIA, BCCI, Pakistan secret service, drug cartels, the SAS and Blackburn plastic gangsters.

It is unclear how much is fact/fiction but Fiennes apparently recieved several death threats for writing it and was put into protective custody for a time.

Try it and thank me later, if you are not happy I will refund the fucker myself.

yep, great book that, surprised it's not more widely renowned
Past Caring - Rob Goddard, political thriller from Edwardian times if you're into that kind of thing, very readable, you're hooked in after page 1.<br /><br />-- Thu Aug 08, 2013 9:25 pm --<br /><br />
George Hannah said:
certainly not the one I' m reading at the moment The Fashion In Shrouds by Margory Allingham - turgid stuff
Bloody hell George, have you tried Rob Goddard , his earlier novels are brilliant.
Len Rum said:
Past Caring - Rob Goddard, political thriller from Edwardian times if you're into that kind of thing, very readable, you're hooked in after page 1.

-- Thu Aug 08, 2013 9:25 pm --

George Hannah said:
certainly not the one I' m reading at the moment The Fashion In Shrouds by Margory Allingham - turgid stuff
Bloody hell George, have you tried Rob Goddard , his earlier novels are brilliant.

I'll give him a go as soon as I get this one back to the charity shop!
savo said:
Catch 22 is just brilliant, Slaughterhouse 5 is short and is a good read.

A really messed up but absolutely brilliant book to read is Time's Arrow by Martin Amis. A description from its wiki page (not a spoiler)

In the reversed version of reality, not only is simple chronology reversed (people become younger, and eventually become children, then babies, and then re-enter their mothers' wombs, where they finally cease to exist) but so is morality. Blows heal injuries, doctors cause them. Theft becomes donation, and vice versa. In a passage about prostitutes, doctors harm them while pimps give them money and heal them

It was shortlisted for a booker prize
That does sound like a good read.
A Sense of an Ending or England, England both by Julian Barnes. England, England is a wonderfully funny satire on modern society, commercialism, branding, etc.

A really good, easy read. Please don't let that shite Di Caprio film put you off!

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