I can understand people having banter and in the course taking the piss out of one another, it adds to the rivalry and is fun at times. What I can't understand is the few on here who get genuinely angry and upset by what the opposition are saying about each other? Even as a red I've never been on red cafe but it appears to be similar to here with people making the same jokes about each other. For every Poznan remark on there, there will be a post on here about every Utd fan coming from London. Each side will argue that their remark is funny whilst the oppositions is crap, That will continue year after year, may as well take part and embrace it, or if it really upsets you then ignore it. Most on here are great with me and can have a decent debate, some on here attack me for very little. And for every idiotic thread on red cafe, there's probably one on here. Just have a laugh about it, I know I do.