Ref Watch City Games - 2023/24

They are, but the scousers do it, Newcastle, Brentford, the rags and probably more.

I’d love there to be a lower bar for gamesmanship. Get them booked and sent off for feigning injuries.
Maybe my blue tinted specs but we seem to be a very honest team by PL standards
Maybe my blue tinted specs but we seem to be a very honest team by PL standards
We are generally, but then we don’t need to do it in most games.

If we’re 2-1 up after 80 minutes on Sunday, I suspect we might need a bit more time to recover from being fouled…
Tonight, ref was efficient, calm, professional, invisible. Like a good ref should be. I don't think him or his liners made one wrong decision although I'm not sure what Manu got booked for.

Contrast that to the weekly shit show we put up with from PL referees.
Very good summary. I would also add, he never got himself in the way of our passing lines. Unlike the PL refs, who seem to always be in the way (especially around the opponents box), sometimes I think, are they doing it on purpose!

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