
SalfordCityBlue said:
Surely even United and their 'fans' will be a little uncomfortable about today's incident?

They'll never admit it, but deep down they must know?
i know of 2 rags out of alot that are decent human beings and one text me straight away saying absolutely appaling decision, no foul and offside, but he is a rare specimen
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
danburge82 said:
The quality of refereeing in football is appalling. The game is refereed the same as it was a hundred years ago yet the game has moved on so much since then.

It's unacceptable.

The game is now so fast that it is too difficult to referee with a referee and his linesmen making decisions after they've seen something once, at one angle, at one speed. They need a video referee, there's no debating about it, they need a video referee.

Video refs should make decisions on:
1. Goal line incidents (over the line/ not over the line)
2. Penalty incidents (penalty/ no penalty)
3. Red card incidents (sending off/ no sending off)(anywhere on the pitch)

Anything less than that and the game will will not be officiated to a high enough standard, and the standard at the moment is fucking appalling.

There's nothing anyone can say about anything that will disaude me from this view. Video refs are an absolute must.

Also referees need to be younger. It is a fact that concentration levels drop as you age I to your 40's yet almost all refs are 40+.

The officials behind the goal also need bringing in everywhere and given a flag.

With a video ref, the six officials who are all in their 30's will be aided much more and the game will be officiated properly.

The sport is a joke at the moment. The amount of decisions that are wrong, and horrifically wrong, week-in-week-out are absurd. The sport is an absolute joke. Football has actually become a fuckig joke!

I'm not particularly bothered that City may well miss out on the title this season because we will win loads of trophies over the coming decades and seasons where we win nowt (and we'll have numerous!) will be forgotten with all the good times we'll have. But look at Wigan yesterday; that is so bad it's unbelievable. They could go down this season and never come back up, they could be ruined as a club. In years to come Wigan Athlietic Football Club could fold due to financial difficulties which boil down to being relegated this season. Well, I'm afraid that is scandalous. It cannot be allowed to happen and it applies to all clubs in all leagues. We'll win trophies no matter what happens over the coming decades but the unacceptable level of officiating in this sport will ruin some clubs with all the decisions that are wrong at the moment, and it happens at many ground up and down the country evey single week without fail.

Football is a joke of a sport. It's actually pathetic. I used to play rugby league and am a huge rugby league fan still, and looking at football as an RL fan I just think footy is an absolute joke.

Football is a fucking joke of a sport!

Football is a joke!

It's a fucking joke!

Great post mate-only thing I disagree with is the officials behind the goal-They do nowt whatsoever.That is just a token from Blatter as he is totally against video technology.
They should be given a flag and told "you must make clear and decisive decisions. If you're not sure we'll to the video ref."

(I added a fourth point to my original post for video refs about onside/offside leading to goals.)
Lee Mason you are a cnut.

If he is not struck off or at least relegated to the blue square then something is very very wrong - a fookin disgrace.
Honestly if i had to pay my money to re-new my season ticket tomorrow, i wouldn`t , just dont see the point in following a game thats rigged.
awest said:
At the end of the day for every City fan and every other club fan there are 20 united glory hunters around the globe. That statistic means big, gig bucks for the advertisers. They do not want to lose out on such a huge audience with united being out of the title race. Words would have been spoken and those words would have been something along the lines of "united must be in the race every year or we pull our money". It's simple really! football is business and business is money. And everyone has their little mitts in the pot, including professional referees.
It's not about United though. It's not about teams at the top of leagues. The teams at the top of the league in every league around the world are, on the whole, a bunch of cunts with ****/spoilt fans who between them win loads of trophies. We'll become one of them (we're on our way).

We'll win loads of trophies no matter how many refs give United decisions. Them winning the title this season will only make is strive to be better and improve our squad een more than we probably would it we ended up winning the title.

It's not about us though. We're just another team near the top.

It's about the smaller clubs; it hits them the hardest.
danburge82 said:
The quality of refereeing in football is appalling. The game is refereed the same as it was a hundred years ago yet the game has moved on so much since then.

It's unacceptable.

The game is now so fast that it is too difficult to referee with a referee and his linesmen making decisions after they've seen something once, at one angle, at one speed. They need a video referee, there's no debating about it, they need a video referee.

Video refs should make decisions on:
1. Goal line incidents (over the line/ not over the line)
2. Penalty incidents (penalty/ no penalty)
3. Red card incidents (sending off/ no sending off)(anywhere on the pitch)
4. Offside incidents (onside/ offside)(that lead to goals)

Anything less than that and the game will will not be officiated to a high enough standard, and the standard at the moment is fucking appalling.

There's nothing anyone can say about anything that will disaude me from this view. Video refs are an absolute must.

Also referees need to be younger. It is a fact that concentration levels drop as you age I to your 40's yet almost all refs are 40+.

The officials behind the goal also need bringing in everywhere and given a flag.

With a video ref, the six officials who are all in their 30's will be aided much more and the game will be officiated properly.

The sport is a joke at the moment. The amount of decisions that are wrong, and horrifically wrong, week-in-week-out are absurd. The sport is an absolute joke. Football has actually become a fuckig joke!

I'm not particularly bothered that City may well miss out on the title this season because we will win loads of trophies over the coming decades and seasons where we win nowt (and we'll have numerous!) will be forgotten with all the good times we'll have. But look at Wigan yesterday; that is so bad it's unbelievable. They could go down this season and never come back up, they could be ruined as a club. In years to come Wigan Athlietic Football Club could fold due to financial difficulties which boil down to being relegated this season. Well, I'm afraid that is scandalous. It cannot be allowed to happen and it applies to all clubs in all leagues. We'll win trophies no matter what happens over the coming decades but the unacceptable level of officiating in this sport will ruin some clubs with all the decisions that are wrong at the moment, and it happens at many ground up and down the country evey single week without fail.

Football is a joke of a sport. It's actually pathetic. I used to play rugby league and am a huge rugby league fan still, and looking at football as an RL fan I just think footy is an absolute joke.

Football is a fucking joke of a sport!

Football is a joke!

It's a fucking joke!
So its not utd, its just bad refs is it ?

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