Reform UK Party Limited Company

A salesman's puff.

Reasonable people don't rely on promises made by Nigel Farage. Unfortunately many of the public are not reasonable people.


Puffing is a term in commercial law which means to convey an overstated belief about some good or service to a prospective buyer with the goal of making a sale of that good or service. This concept is distinct from fraud, in which someone makes a factual misrepresentation intending for another party to rely on that misrepresentation, who then does reasonably rely on it and suffers resulting harm. Puffery, unlike fraud, is characterized by the idea that no puffing statements could be reasonably relied upon because they are statements of opinion rather than fact. Puffing statements typically do not give rise to express warranty actions, although if even one such statement goes too far beyond the boundaries of belief, that then could serve as the basis for an action on the express warranty or fall under the implied warranty of fitness for the good or service sold.
Think it had something to do with the mere "puff" or "boast" pertaining to washing detergents on TV ads in the 50s/60s. Brought to mind "whiter than white" , rather apt for the "puffer" in question wouldn't you think..?
Think it had something to do with the mere "puff" or "boast" pertaining to washing detergents on TV ads in the 50s/60s. Brought to mind "whiter than white" , rather apt for the "puffer" in question wouldn't you think..?

Dates back even further.

Yeah I've been coming to terms with the fact that we're likely to see one or more Reform MP's. That they aren't disappearing.

I sort of understand. There's an upside and downside to everything.

But I really hope people do think better of it. It's just a shambles of bad judgement, bad faith promises, and I find it hard to see why there is no other option.

It just turns into a waste of precious time. Misdirect the conversation. Same types always seemingly getting their hopes up.

The people - the kids especially - they can't afford it. They really need us to get down to business and start making things work. There's going to be more people in the future - fact - it will always feel more crowded. There's going to be more accents and non-english spoken. We're already there - fact - too late to turn back. There's going to be more non-White people everywhere. Fact - written into the demographics from decades ago - nothing meaningful to be done about it.

Immigration has existed throughout history, always will. Fact. It is higher now because technology allows people to move quickly and far. Fact. It is bad because of things like Syria, we really have to ask if we can allow other powers to control those conflicts, or if it is essential to keep a hand in, in order to avoid millions turning up on our doorstep with us unprepared.

You want to 'preserve' the best of 'white' British culture. I'm telling you, it starts with observing unavoidable realities, noting that changes won't upset the next generation in the way they upset us as we sit here now get older.

Learn to love and accept all over again. Then we can get the fuck on with actually doing more than just signalling our hurt feelings to others like us. Maybe actually build something that will last. Stop insisting on making sandcastles as the tide comes in. Stop insisting on 'acting tough' when really we're lost for answers because hitting that reset and giving up control is scarrrry. But it's what people know. Pride will have you dig a very big hole to hide in, and it's always there to hide your fear.

We have to value everyone by default. Because that's what works. Invest in them as young people. Respect their individuality and give them their due and freedom, their right to call it for themselves. Then they will pay us back in spades.

Cultivating reasons for not showing respect to others is just a massive downward spiral. Give them freedom and respect. Ignore the percieved slights. It really is how we stop them arriving at our door. You get that "look" - humans will deliver you exactly what you don't like. If you're going to take a stand then you need a much better reason than YOUR feelings being off about the world changing as you get older. And a much better plan than supporting this lot.
When confronted with overt racism by his candidates Farage will condemn it but he knows full well that his lying rhetoric is being interpreted by a significant portion his hard of thinking fuckwit supporters as a racist clarion call and significantly never comes out and publicly clarifies to his supporters that he doesn't support racism or want racists to vote for him. Because he thrives on it.

Just like Trump does. Although Trump never told his MAGA goobers to storm the Capitol he knew full well his rhetoric would be interpreted by a large proportion of them to do just that.

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