Reform UK Party Limited Company

What options do us in South Wales really have ?
Tories, fuck that.
Plaid, a lot of non-Welsh people don't trust them to have us English speaking cunts & our best interests at heart.
Reform, fuck that.
Lib Dems, maybe but they just come over a bit 'meh'.
Many people in South Wales are & always will be socialists at heart , the fact they are usually let down by the Labour Party is neither here nor there, we don't really have any real viable options

Not sure that point follows to voting for a party of fascism and national socialism led by an openly and proudly grifting charlatan who holds extreme right-wing libertarian views that belong on Peter Thiel's fantasy island.
Does that mean you agree with Ben Habib that migrants should be left to drown and Andrew Parker that they should be used as target practice by the army and shot down? Or that it's not a serious red flag that 41 Reform UK parliamentary candidates were found to be Facebook friends with Gary Raikes the fascist leader of the neo-Nazi New British Union and Farage brushed it off as no problem instead of sacking the lot of them? Or is it because Farage has impressed you with his lies about unfunded tax cuts benefiting the poorest the most when it's been proven that they would benefit the least and the richest would benefit the most?

Farage is a pathological liar but because he lies with confidence and authority the feeble minded believe him.

I disagree that he is a pathological liar.

I think he knows exactly what he's doing and why, and is a manipulative liar.
Not sure that point follows to voting for a party of fascism and national socialism led by an openly and proudly grifting charlatan who holds extreme right-wing libertarian views that belong on Peter Thiel's fantasy island.
I didn't mean that, i apologise, i think i only read part of the post i replied to.
I detest Reform but some people obviously feel every other party doesn't give a fuck.
It's the old, even poor people want to look down on someone, it's always been the same.
It's an easy sell in poor area's, "you are poor, don't have housing and have a shit life because of that foreigner over there taking your jobs/housing etc".
Farage the **** knows this well, his whole stance is based on this. He's a dangerous ****
Does that mean you agree with Ben Habib that migrants should be left to drown and Andrew Parker that they should be used as target practice by the army and shot down? Or that it's not a serious red flag that 41 Reform UK parliamentary candidates were found to be Facebook friends with Gary Raikes the fascist leader of the neo-Nazi New British Union and Farage brushed it off as no problem instead of sacking the lot of them? Or is it because Farage has impressed you with his lies about unfunded tax cuts benefiting the poorest the most when it's been proven that they would benefit the least and the richest would benefit the most?

Farage is a pathological liar but because he lies with confidence and authority the feeble minded believe him.
No to it all. I want my Labour MP out that is all.
Responding to your post here.... The Reform party are not a brilliant option but (and this speaks volumes about British politics) they are IMO the best option.... as I have maintained all along.
I don't agree with him but I can actually sort of accept Farage for what he is. Farage is a classic old money Tory who actually does not fit into Reform. He has nothing really in common with the lunatics or the likes of Tommy Robinson, he actually left UKIP because of this. However to get Farage you do have to vote for these people.

These aren't just lunatics, they're outright dangerous. They're not interested in bettering the UK, they just want to stick two fingers up at the French and shoot migrants in the sea. They collectively suffer from some xenophobic, 1800s colonial supremacist syndrome. This is not how we should run the country.

Farage does not have these views but given he's not Tory leader he has to stand and appeal to somebody.
Straight out of the Hitler playbook. In the chaotic aftermath of WW1 in Germany with unemployment and in particular hyperinflation* Hitler appealed to the disaffected working class by blaming all their problems on the Jews. And we all know how that ended up.

*As an example a loaf of bread cost 250 Marks in January 1923 and 200 billion Marks by November 1923.
And straight out of the brexit playbook.
The same failed promises being made by the same failed nutters, and as usual being believed by the same people , some of whom seem incapable of learning from history.
Fascism doesn’t come marching down the street in uniforms, it starts with a whisper in the ear.
My guess is that by the next GE between 25% and 50% of Reform voters will be dead.

It's largely a party for old people who hate change. Though it also attracts those who think our problems are easily solved by 'decisive' action, and either don't understand the complexities or don't care.

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