Reform UK Party Limited Company

Parliament would quite clearly vote to reverse Brexit if it could get away with it, this is absolutely and definitely true with Labour in power. He sees this as a threat and he also sees this as why certain aspects of the Brexit deal were not even attempted let alone achieved.

Which Parliament are you describing? The recently dissolved one with the 80 seat majority that took us out and put a border in the Irish Sea? The one that hasn’t been elected? Some other Parliament?

I think we should be told
What options do us in South Wales really have ?
Tories, fuck that.
Plaid, a lot of non-Welsh people don't trust them to have us English speaking cunts & our best interests at heart.
Reform, fuck that.
Lib Dems, maybe but they just come over a bit 'meh'.
Many people in South Wales are & always will be socialists at heart , the fact they are usually let down by the Labour Party is neither here nor there, we don't really have any real viable options
How do the best interests of "english speaking cunts" differ from the population of Wales as a whole?
In what way would your life improved if your Labour MP was replaced by a person representing a racist enterprise and whose economic plans would tank the economy even further? (And I say this as someone who won't be voting Labour either. )
If you have to ask such silly questions maybe you'd be better not commenting? You could say that to anyone about anyone you happen to disagree with. Your vote doesn't count unless you vote for the winning party? Daft as you can get.
If you have to ask such silly questions maybe you'd be better not commenting? You could say that to anyone about anyone you happen to disagree with. Your vote doesn't count unless you vote for the winning party? Daft as you can get.
It’s a valid question. What about your Reform candidate do you think will improve your area, should they get in?
If you have to ask such silly questions maybe you'd be better not commenting? You could say that to anyone about anyone you happen to disagree with. Your vote doesn't count unless you vote for the winning party? Daft as you can get.

No, I'm simply asking that whilst you might not want to support the Labour Party, why are choosing to back a party of racists and homophobes instead? In what way is that better? Protest voting for something even worse?
It’s a valid question. What about your Reform candidate do you think will improve your area, should they get in?
I guess you folk up north just don't get it, many of you have probably not even experirnced life under a Labour Government

Wales is ruined in absolute tatters, very little investment, poorest education services, schools closed all over the place, poorest health services (and look how bad that is anyway), some of the highest council taxes in the UK, very little employment opportunities, council services cut back to the bone... nothing here. No oney yet they are going to create an additional 36 assembly members places.

I don't believe Reform stand a cat in hells chance of forming a Government in my lifetime but if electing any candidate will prevent Labour enjoying a massive majority then that's good enough for me. I am not about what Reform can do for me (other than reducing Labours majority) I am more concerned about what an uncontrolled Labour Government will do in office. I have no choice other than to wait and see.... but you mark my words, things are going to get extremely uncomfortable for the average working man/woman and family in the next nine months.
No, I'm simply asking that whilst you might not want to support the Labour Party, why are choosing to back a party of racists and homophobes instead? In what way is that better? Protest voting for something even worse?
Simply because they are the most likely to be the best challenge to Labour locally.... that's good enough for me.
I guess you folk up north just don't get it, many of you have probably not even experirnced life under a Labour Government

Wales is ruined in absolute tatters, very little investment, poorest education services, schools closed all over the place, poorest health services (and look how bad that is anyway), some of the highest council taxes in the UK, very little employment opportunities, council services cut back to the bone... nothing here. No oney yet they are going to create an additional 36 assembly members places.

I don't believe Reform stand a cat in hells chance of forming a Government in my lifetime but if electing any candidate will prevent Labour enjoying a massive majority then that's good enough for me. I am not about what Reform can do for me (other than reducing Labours majority) I am more concerned about what an uncontrolled Labour Government will do in office. I have no choice other than to wait and see.... but you mark my words, things are going to get extremely uncomfortable for the average working man/woman and family in the next nine months.
How will voting reform stop Labour?It won't so that's not a reason to be voting for racists.
How do the best interests of "english speaking cunts" differ from the population of Wales as a whole?
I didnt mean i think like that but plenty of non Welsh speakers don't trust Plaid and never will. The minute they speak Welsh they alienate much of the population.
Plenty of Welsh speakers look down on non Welsh speakers. Neither side trusts the other side, it's why Plaid have never done anything in Wales
It's villagism at it's worst.
A lot of younger people want independance but it won't be through Plaid , it'll be another and more inclusive party

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