Reform UK Party Limited Company

I don't agree with him but I can actually sort of accept Farage for what he is. Farage is a classic old money Tory who actually does not fit into Reform. He has nothing really in common with the lunatics or the likes of Tommy Robinson, he actually left UKIP because of this. However to get Farage you do have to vote for these people.

These aren't just lunatics, they're outright dangerous. They're not interested in bettering the UK, they just want to stick two fingers up at the French and shoot migrants in the sea. They collectively suffer from some xenophobic, 1800s colonial supremacist syndrome. This is not how we should run the country.

Farage does not have these views but given he's not Tory leader he has to stand and appeal to somebody.

This is a false premise. He's the founder and the leading shareholder. He hasn't been subject to a hostile takeover or being held hostage by his own troops.

It's his firm and he refuses to get his Franchise parliamentary constituency candidates in check because he's happy to collect their dues and get membership money flooding in.

Farage isn't a natural Tory. If he was he would have stood under their banner rather than join the anti-federalist league and turn it into a personality cult.

He's a far right libertarian. He's quite happy to use the blunt instruments of the openly fascist elements to grift, get into elected office or power or just make things collectively shitter if there is some benefit to him.

A natural Tory would have condemned the capitol attack.

I don't agree with him but I can actually sort of accept Farage for what he is. Farage is a classic old money Tory who actually does not fit into Reform. He has nothing really in common with the lunatics or the likes of Tommy Robinson, he actually left UKIP because of this. However to get Farage you do have to vote for these people.

These aren't just lunatics, they're outright dangerous. They're not interested in bettering the UK, they just want to stick two fingers up at the French and shoot migrants in the sea. They collectively suffer from some xenophobic, 1800s colonial supremacist syndrome. This is not how we should run the country.

Farage does not have these views but given he's not Tory leader he has to stand and appeal to somebody.
I think you’re misunderstanding what Farage is. His party reflects him. His criticism of the more outspoken Reform candidates doesn’t wash. He’s an accomplished liar who knows he only has to fool a certain proportion of the electorate. Don’t be taken in by his old fashioned Tory bon viveur act. It’s a sham as demonstrated by his long history of coming out with populist nonsense to appeal to idiots.
I think you’re misunderstanding what Farage is. His party reflects him. His criticism of the more outspoken Reform candidates doesn’t wash. He’s an accomplished liar who knows he only has to fool a certain proportion of the electorate. Don’t be taken in by his old fashioned Tory bon viveur act. It’s a sham as demonstrated by his long history of coming out with populist nonsense to appeal to idiots.
Yes indeed but to him they're just useful idiots. I however seriously don't believe that he's a racist and xenophobic, I mean he's worked in Europe and he's married to a German which seems an odd quandry if we were to put him in the same bracket as Tommy Robinson. He is a liar but he's also a politician and lying comes as part of the job description.

I think to him this is just about pressuring the corporatist Tories whilst also indeed looking at money making opportunities. He left Reform in the gutter until Sunak came along and Sunak is the ultimate representation of what he has always fought against. Some on here however would put Sunak in the same bracket as the lunatics but he clearly isn't, it is all an appeasement. Sunak would rejoin the EU if he could and that's what Farage is fighting.

The rhetoric coming out of Farage at the minute is all a show to stir up votes and bolster his real goal which is to put energy behind electoral reform. He wants this because Parliament is not split similarly according to the country on issues like EU membership.

Parliament would quite clearly vote to reverse Brexit if it could get away with it, this is absolutely and definitely true with Labour in power. He sees this as a threat and he also sees this as why certain aspects of the Brexit deal were not even attempted let alone achieved.
I however seriously don't believe that he's a racist and xenophobic, I mean he's worked in Europe and he's married to a German which seems an odd quandry if we were to put him in the same bracket as Tommy Robinson
I think you’re wrong, and all your post demonstrates is that he’s a hypocrite and a grifter as well.

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