Reform UK Party Limited Company

The thick and easy manipulated will go with Reform - there’s little point debating with them
The stupid mans answer when he cannot understand an argument.... still like you say no point talking to those who cannot expand their thinking and understand another persons point of view because they always know best.... keep lobbing those stones from your glasshouses.
You seem to be fixated on the fact everyone associated with Reform is totally 100% Racist. I don't believe this is the case there are degrees of belief and commitment

I know that my opinion might, or probably would, change if I thought there was a chance, a slither of a chance that Reform could win and form the next Government but that just isn't going to happen. So I am comfortable using my vote to the best effect that I can to dislodge the Labour government that I distrust less than the Tories.
What degree of Racism is acceptable in your view?
This is the problem with Reform and Farage. Clearly his dog whistle racism hits a mark with many and they are drawn to him. He and his supporters don't care that racism follows him like a bad smell. Evey party he has been involved with has had significant racism issues.

It's why people like you get labeled racist. It's because if you cared about racism you wouldn't vote for him.
What about labour voters? Are they all anti semites and racists too?
Thick is indeed right; a reform bacterium on the campaign trail called Sunak a "paki", when in actuality he is of Indian heritage. Thicker than pig shit, the lot of them.

It's only going to get worse, if you're thick and racist you will join them - they will forever be clips of there candidates making racist remarks, absolute cunts, shame on anyone voting for them. they offer nothing.
What degree of Racism is acceptable in your view?

What degree of Racism is acceptable in your view?
Well that very much depends on this particular interpretation of racism.

By racism do you mean things like antisemitism and a hatred of foreign people with different colour skin for example? Or do you mean a desire to control our borders and trying to prevent people illegally entering our country? If it is the latter then there is an opinion or view that, that is not in fact racism. If it is the former then that is blatant racism and is totally unacceptable.

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