Reform UK Party Limited Company

Still can’t understand why Labour win every election in Wales. It’s almost as if the largest proportion of Welsh voters don’t think Wales has been in decline since 1997, although I suspect most think that’s the case over the last 3 years - not because of their Labour led assembly but because the EU funding dried up without being replaced as promised by Johnson.
Are you getting confused with George Galloway's party?
Them too obviously. Is there any party that has not been mired in such accusations over the last few years? I'm voting green - even if their leader does hypnotise birds into thinking they have bigger tits.
You seem to be fixated on the fact everyone associated with Reform is totally 100% Racist. I don't believe this is the case there are degrees of belief and commitment

I know that my opinion might, or probably would, change if I thought there was a chance, a slither of a chance that Reform could win and form the next Government but that just isn't going to happen. So I am comfortable using my vote to the best effect that I can to dislodge the Labour government that I distrust less than the Tories.
No, there’s no shades of grey. Either someone is a racist or they aren’t. You just can’t be 36.4% racist.
No, there’s no shades of grey. Either someone is a racist or they aren’t. You just can’t be 36.4% racist.
I'll ask this question then...

Is someone racist if they hate Jews and people with different colour skin and different religious beliefs? I'm going to take a punt here and say you would call them racists - apologies if I'm wrong there.

By the same reckoning. Is someone racist if they are concerned about the number of people illegally entering our country and who wish to be British and would like steps to be taken to prevent it happening? I would suggest that is NOT racism or racist behaviour personally, it is just a viewpoint and an opinion which in this land of free speech we're entitled to hold... what about you?
I'll ask this question then...

Is someone racist if they hate Jews and people with different colour skin and different religious beliefs? I'm going to take a punt here and say you would call them racists - apologies if I'm wrong there.

By the same reckoning. Is someone racist if they are concerned about the number of people illegally entering our country and who wish to be British and would like steps to be taken to prevent it happening? I would suggest that is NOT racism or racist behaviour personally, it is just a viewpoint and an opinion which in this land of free speech we're entitled to hold... what about you?

The first is plainly racist, the second is plainly not. The problem with Reform is that a very high proportion of their candidates and election workers plainly hold racist views.

Including Farage himself.

If you aren’t arsed about that, that’s on you.
I'll ask this question then...

Is someone racist if they hate Jews and people with different colour skin and different religious beliefs? I'm going to take a punt here and say you would call them racists - apologies if I'm wrong there.

By the same reckoning. Is someone racist if they are concerned about the number of people illegally entering our country and who wish to be British and would like steps to be taken to prevent it happening? I would suggest that is NOT racism or racist behaviour personally, it is just a viewpoint and an opinion which in this land of free speech we're entitled to hold... what about you?
"Is someone racist if they are concerned about the number of people ILLEGALLY entering our country and who wish to be British and would like steps to be taken to prevent it happening?"
You mentioned "illegally" so no...they're respecting the law. But Reform voters aren't bothered if they're legal or not. They just put them all under "immigrants".
Reform is just a big lie to attract those kinds of people. People that believe climate change isn't real. People that refused the vaccine. People that hate immigrants.

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