Reform UK Party Limited Company

You seem to be fixated on the fact everyone associated with Reform is totally 100% Racist. I don't believe this is the case there are degrees of belief and commitment

I know that my opinion might, or probably would, change if I thought there was a chance, a slither of a chance that Reform could win and form the next Government but that just isn't going to happen. So I am comfortable using my vote to the best effect that I can to dislodge the Labour government that I distrust less than the Tories.
Not 100% racist? Okay even if true how much racism are you happy to vote for ? 90 % 70%. There are degrees I agree probably range fro a bit racist to batshit shoot them on the beaches racist. Thats before you get into their other bigotry, homophobia etc.
Which Parliament are you describing? The recently dissolved one with the 80 seat majority that took us out and put a border in the Irish Sea? The one that hasn’t been elected? Some other Parliament?

I think we should be told
Parliament spent years paralysed unable to resolve Brexit. Labour made no contribution whatsoever to that debate until 2019 where they gave up and decided to offer people a second referendum. The Tories then achieved a large majority. The guy who was second in command of Labour at the time will likely be PM this time next week.

I guess this is the sentiment that Farage is talking about. We have now left the EU but Farages argument is that the deal we have ended up with is crap because nobody in Parliament had the heart, power or will to try for anything else.

There's a distinct chance that Starmer will try to reverse this deal for something else and that'll very likely feature further alignment to the EU. With a sizeable Labour majority, how will the public have any say in that? I suppose this is the reason for electoral reform as next week we'll basically live in a one party state with virtually no opposition.

A reformed Parliament or electoral system would require all parties to have a say and not just the one in power, especially when the one in power might ideologically disagree with what people want.
What about the Paedo Party? Would you vote for them too if it stopped Labour? Or is that pushing it a bit too far? Racism and homophobia; YES, paedo shit: NOOoooo.
It may be worth comparing the amount of racism and antisemitism incidents/complaints involving labour and those involving reform since it's formation in 2018? A cursory glance seems to suggest that labour are way out in front on racism etc. Reform can barely keep up with the last couple of Tory home secretaries in this respect.
Couldn't care less what way so long as they get my Labour out.
This is the problem with Reform and Farage. Clearly his dog whistle racism hits a mark with many and they are drawn to him. He and his supporters don't care that racism follows him like a bad smell. Evey party he has been involved with has had significant racism issues.

It's why people like you get labeled racist. It's because if you cared about racism you wouldn't vote for him.
Parliament spent years paralysed unable to resolve Brexit. Labour made no contribution whatsoever to that debate until 2019 where they gave up and decided to offer people a second referendum. The Tories then achieved a large majority. The guy who was second in command of Labour at the time will likely be PM this time next week.

I guess this is the sentiment that Farage is talking about. We have now left the EU but Farages argument is that the deal we have ended up with is crap because nobody in Parliament had the heart, power or will to try for anything else.

There's a distinct chance that Starmer will try to reverse this deal for something else and that'll very likely feature further alignment to the EU. With a sizeable Labour majority, how will the public have any say in that? I suppose this is the reason for electoral reform as next week we'll basically live in a one party state with virtually no opposition.

A reformed Parliament or electoral system would require all parties to have a say and not just the one in power, especially when the one in power might ideologically disagree with what people want.
With any luck we might get a 2nd referendum and rejoin the EU.

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