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Tice getting a mauling on Today programme, won't answer whether the west provoked Putin to invade Ukraine.
Of course we did, but we won the cold war so to the victor the spoils etc. if you look at the resources and strategies position of Ukraine we'd be fools not to at least try and get them into NATO/Ukraine. Eventually if we can site US nukes there within spitting distance of Moscow it will render Putin's military threat to Europe and the west pretty much void. Not sure why we can't just be honest about this instead of dressing it up as an 'ethical' war - the same bollocks Putin spouts for being there.
Of course we did, but we won the cold war so to the victor the spoils etc. if you look at the resources and strategies position of Ukraine we'd be fools not to at least try and get them into NATO/Ukraine. Eventually if we can site US nukes there within spitting distance of Moscow it will render Putin's military threat to Europe and the west pretty much void. Not sure why we can't just be honest about this instead of dressing it up as an 'ethical' war - the same bollocks Putin spouts for being there.
I’m not seeing in your post any justification for Putins actions. Can you elaborate?
I’m not seeing in your post any justification for Putins actions. Can you elaborate?
No justification at all beyond his own military and territorial interests. That's my point - we tend to mix up justifying Putin's actions with causing them. What he's doing in Ukraine is no more justifiable than what he did in Georgia, but that had no real strategic or economic interest to us.
No justification at all beyond his own military and territorial interests. That's my point - we tend to mix up justifying Putin's actions with causing them. What he's doing in Ukraine is no more justifiable than what he did in Georgia, but that had no real strategic or economic interest to us.
your response to the poster saying Tyce wouldn’t confirm the west was responsible for Putin invading, was “of course we were”
your response to the poster saying Tyce wouldn’t confirm the west was responsible for Putin invading, was “of course we were”
Well, ' responsible' neatly covers both cause and justification which I suspect is why the question was phrased that way. The interviewer was likely trying to get a soundbite from Rice which could be spun as saying Putin was justified and therefore by implication he supports him. Then we can have a day of memes portraying Putin and farage holding hands/bumming etc.

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