Reform UK Party Limited Company

The rest of their manifesto was uncosted and under-scrutinised as they could promise the moon, knowing they wouldn’t have to follow it through.

They are very much a one issue company, with a scattering of other policies fired out at random.

Now he’s finally got a seat in Parliament, he’ll have to show he’s willing to do the graft and be transparent with his finances.

My guess is that he’ll give it a few months, get bored of being totally ignored in the house and then scuttle off into the shadows as he’s too lazy to keep it up.

Maybe the occasional rally too.
like i say you maybe right but you can argue to same for the lib dems and the greens
The rest of their manifesto was uncosted and under-scrutinised as they could promise the moon, knowing they wouldn’t have to follow it through.

They are very much a one issue company, with a scattering of other policies fired out at random.

Now he’s finally got a seat in Parliament, he’ll have to show he’s willing to do the graft and be transparent with his finances.

My guess is that he’ll give it a few months, get bored of being totally ignored in the house and then scuttle off into the shadows as he’s too lazy to keep it up.

Maybe the occasional rally too.

He could visit Clacton every Friday for 5 years!
i read the "contract" and there is a lot more than just immigration in there, how valid or relevant is up for debate
but to say they're just a one policy party is disingenuous
again it may peter out but we'll see
Their manifesto was exactly what you'd expect from a populist party. Promise the world with no indication of how they'd actually achieve it.

They promised to raise the lower rate of income tax threshold, increase the highest band to 70k, reduce corporation tax, raise the threshold on stamp duty, increase the inheritance tax threshold, scrap interest on loans for university students, and give tax relief on private school fees. Whatever you think of each of those policies, all of them cost money, and the only way they claim to be able to pay for it is by 'cutting unnecessary red tape.' Hell, that must be a lot of red tape to raise that kind of money. Literally the only thing in their manifesto that would save money is scrapping the rest of HS2 and scrapping net zero, and yet they pledge an additional 17 billion for the NHS (way more than the other parties).

Then there was all sorts of bullshit around migration acting as a dog whistle, like preventing migrants from accessing benefits, which they're already not entitled to (but we'll rely on our voters being too ignorant to know that). Or only allowing 'essential' migrants in, which basically translated to mainly health workers, but then also promising to charge these migrants that you're no longer allowing in double the national insurance of British people (even though they're not entitled to any of the benefits that paying NI brings). So they're simultaneously claiming to use migrants as a cash cow to reduce your tax burden, while promising to get rid of migrants (they specifically exempted health workers from the 'double NI' rule). Which is it? It can't be both.

The rest is just culture wars bullshit around 'transgender ideology' and 'ideological universities,' and half-baked ideas like "we'll take migrants back to France" as if France wouldn't have any say in that (kinda like they promised with Brexit).

Even I like some of their policies, but that's kinda the point. They know they're not going to have to deliver any of it, so they know they can throw in something for students, something for the working class, something for the toffs and business-owners.
It’s not going away and not really gaining traction.

2015, 3.8m voted UKIP
2024, 4m voted for UKIP rebranded.

They’re a one issue party that doesn’t seem to be doing very much bar shouting at the establishment.
I don’t agree with them, but they have massively influenced British politics. You could argue ukip got what they wanted with brexit. They then helped to get rid of Cameron and may. This election their vote share has helped to kill off the tories.

In terms of number of people in parliment and probably having one main policy I agree, but in terms of influence they’ve done a lot, whilst having no mps - most of it bad.
I spent far too much time in hospital in recent years and was cared for by a number of Indian nurses who were exceptional at their jobs. They must never stop key workers coming here.
If you were to be in a hospital in Australia for example you may bump into an expat working there, how do they do it?what is this witchcraft? In fact how does the whole world outside the EU cope without open borders.
Their manifesto was exactly what you'd expect from a populist party. Promise the world with no indication of how they'd actually achieve it.

They promised to raise the lower rate of income tax threshold, increase the highest band to 70k, reduce corporation tax, raise the threshold on stamp duty, increase the inheritance tax threshold, scrap interest on loans for university students, and give tax relief on private school fees. Whatever you think of each of those policies, all of them cost money, and the only way they claim to be able to pay for it is by 'cutting unnecessary red tape.' Hell, that must be a lot of red tape to raise that kind of money. Literally the only thing in their manifesto that would save money is scrapping the rest of HS2 and scrapping net zero, and yet they pledge an additional 17 billion for the NHS (way more than the other parties).

Then there was all sorts of bullshit around migration acting as a dog whistle, like preventing migrants from accessing benefits, which they're already not entitled to (but we'll rely on our voters being too ignorant to know that). Or only allowing 'essential' migrants in, which basically translated to mainly health workers, but then also promising to charge these migrants that you're no longer allowing in double the national insurance of British people (even though they're not entitled to any of the benefits that paying NI brings). So they're simultaneously claiming to use migrants as a cash cow to reduce your tax burden, while promising to get rid of migrants (they specifically exempted health workers from the 'double NI' rule). Which is it? It can't be both.

The rest is just culture wars bullshit around 'transgender ideology' and 'ideological universities,' and half-baked ideas like "we'll take migrants back to France" as if France wouldn't have any say in that (kinda like they promised with Brexit).

Even I like some of their policies, but that's kinda the point. They know they're not going to have to deliver any of it, so they know they can throw in something for students, something for the working class, something for the toffs and business-owners.
ive never said its all bang on the money, all parties claim allsorts and it all costs money which ultimately us as taxpayers have to pay for it
the scrapping of the interest the bank of england pay on qe reserves is interesting
but my point is its not a one policy party that was disingenuous

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