Reform UK Party Limited Company

Exactly. There is a ton of research out there nowadays which proves that the problem with rising obesity does not come down to individual fault or greediness. The whole blame people for their own demise doesn't cut it.

There are people out there who want to stop smoking for example but they can't because it's addictive. It's addictive because cigarettes are made to be addictive rather than the person who smokes is somehow weak-willed or whatever.

Everything we eat nowadays is the same, it's made to be as addictive as possible so that we'll continue to eat and buy it. Avoiding that stuff is difficult, it's even more difficult when you have to trade off convenience too.

Humans are hunter-gatherers, our brains are not wired to reject food and calories which is why dieting through calorie restriction is extremely difficult. It's only within the last 100 years that food has actually become so readily available so is it any wonder we're all getting fatter?
Plus some people are just big boned
It was said about something else previously but is true of reform as well.
Not everybody who votes for reform is a racist, but all racist vote for reform.
Farage keeps going on about being a wrecking ball in Parliament. He won't be. It doesn't work that way. Their chances of being called to ask a question will be very small. They will not all be attending debates in numbers day in and day out and if they get someone on a Parliamentary Committee they will be blocked from getting say a Committee discussing the water authorities to discuss immigration. The incomes declaration on the Member Interests website is 12 months retrospectively so as of Monday they have to declare all income over the last 12 months then keep updating it accurately for all your stay. So the idea that if Farage left it late to decide to run won't have some skellybones in the closet over the last 12 months is vanishingly small. If he tries grand standing on the steps of the HoC he will be hauled over the coals by the standards commission and the 5 constituencies they won will see very little of them and get little help.

I predict a lifespan like that of Galloway for some of them and a Bridgen like decline for the others

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