Reform UK Party Limited Company

Seems Reform will reduce immigration to net zero and raise funds by heavily taxing employers who use immigrant labour. Notwithstanding the inherent contradiction, the employer that will have priority on whatever immigration labour we do have will be the NHS which is funded by the (checks notes) the taxpayer.

Although, Reform would abolish the NHS - its been a long standing ambition of the fascist ****.
They have offered to cancel HS2 which itself will free up potentially £50bn. Reform's policies are actually quite sensible and measured in places, the only thing I really disagree with them on is immigration. Whether they could actually enact their policies is another thing but sensibilities have never been an issue at elections.

I think they're going to do much better than many think.
Agree with your last sentence. There is no shortage of gullible people who will buy into a fantasy as demonstrated in numerous elections around the world where snake oil salesmen have promised the earth. The one thing they all have in common is that they will inevitably fail to deliver on their promises.
They are a bit of a joke party but I suppose it keeps all the not rights together in one place.
You only have to look at the usernames of the posters defending them, see their thoughts on other subjects to reach the conclusion they should be pitied more than anything.
Toad of Toad Hall is a pedlar of bullshit.

How in God's name are people taken in by something so obvious? Do they respond to 'Nigerian Princes' too?

Maybe people are just fucking desperate and will grasp any rope, even if it turns out to be a very long shit.
You agree with scrapping net zero and drilling for more oil and gas?
Partially because do you think that net zero can even be achieved? Net-zero also means that our total emissions won't increase but they won't decrease either. To impact climate change we need to decrease total emissions and how is that physically going to happen anytime soon regardless of the targets we set?

UK emissions have fallen but anybody could easily argue that all we have done is exported our emissions to another country so it hasn't actually gone down at all. All of our manufacturing for example is now done in China but are we buying less from China? It's the opposite, so unless China reduces its emissions or we buy and consume less then nothing changes.

I'm not arguing to burn the planet to the ground by the way, we just need to be realistic.

At this point I think any efforts to stop climate change are pointless because the world is growing rapidly and it's far outgrowing any efforts to halt climate change. We'd be far better off at this stage mitigating climate change. For example if there will be more floods then we should invest in more flood defences.

You only have to look at this graph, we need that graph to go downwards fast and preferably right this second now, but it isn't going to is it?


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