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Trump is Putin's woman too. The whole world saw him shame America at the Helsinki summit where, among other things, he denied Russia was behind the deadly Novichok attack in Salisbury, stated he trusted Russia's security service more than his own and held a closed door meeting with Putin and ordered his translator to destroy all meeting notes.
And asked Putin live on air for help to spread misinformation about Hillary Clinton during a debate. The Mueller investigation. The stealing of intelligence and keeping it in a bathroom. The deliberate undermining of NATO. World has gone mad, honestly

All he was trying to do was put into context a reason why Putin invaded Ukraine.... rightly or wrongly.
Putin felt NATO was over the years getting too close to Russia and has what he believes to be the best thing for stopping Ukraine from joining. Whether you like it or not, or agree or disagree this is a point of view.... We do all believe in free speech don't we?

All he was trying to do was put into context a reason why Putin invaded Ukraine.... rightly or wrongly.
Putin felt NATO was over the years getting too close to Russia and has what he believes to be the best thing for stopping Ukraine from joining. Whether you like it or not, or agree or disagree this is a point of view.... We do all believe in free speech don't we?

He is a politician making a statement of his politics.

The statement is an excuse for the invasion of a Democratic nation in our continent by an Authoritarian Dictator.

Try saying a woman who got savagely beaten by her psycho husband was asking for it.

You are free to make that statement... and everyone else is free to express their shock, disgust and fear of what is going on in your mind. That's free speech.
You know exactly what you meant. If you take the poster at face value, he's not a political type but has heard a few things farage has said that have struck a chord. Rather than take the piss and signal your own superiority, just explain that he's probably only aware of the tip of the farage iceberg. That way you might actually change a mind rather than alienate the bloke. This is only one person on here and I'm not blaming you for reform doing well in the polls, but this sort of approach is exactly what got Brexit over the line.
This sort of post is a bit of a theme with you. As far as I’m concerned I don’t really give a rats arse whether a post might be counterproductive and entrench someone’s fascist views. There’s only a few dozen people who post on this thread and if two or three of them vote Reform because someone’s been critical of their posts then so be it. It’s not going to change any outcome, @hilts will tell you. Might as well say what you think rather than pander to them and enter into constructive dialogue with idiots.
The hate in here is fervent, it's enough to make one wonder
I read this and thought the same, it’s the same posters on here just regurgitating the same old stuff they posted weeks ago.
You don’t like Reform or Nigel Farage , we get it, most of us don’t.
You may feel better not coming on this thread and getting yourself annoyed
Carter1990 for example - i wouldn’t vote for them but that’s his/her decision
Between 18-20% of the Vote is expected to vote Reform so Lefties don't have to create fake accounts. It's just telling us we have a few Million racist among us.
People do get confused, as well. The sands have shifted a lot over the last 10 years. Some people will surely feel they are in the 'safe' camp because Brexit got support, and there's no end of talk about immigration. But others will (rightly in my view) use this statement to draw a line around Farage and Reform. They've just thrown their supporters a nightmare. But reasonably, many won't stop. And I also expect they'll even pick up some supporters as this plays into the anti-Internationalist sentiment stirred up by Palestine/Israel.

The anti-international, anti-democractic thing is to me a kind of madness. It lets us down, but it gets worse, the more people vote for anti-internationalist causes. A self fulfilling prophecy. You aren't replacing people who let you down with those intending to do better. Yoo are replacing them with people who just want the whole system brought down. And then what? Then, more posturing, more war, more suffering, more chaos.

International cooperation and law is clearly still the best hope we have to solve these problems and protect ourselves. If people are disattisfied, we need to use our vote to make sure it's used better. Not to undermine it further.
I read this and thought the same, it’s the same posters on here just regurgitating the same old stuff they posted weeks ago.
You don’t like Reform or Nigel Farage , we get it, most of us don’t.
You may feel better not coming on this thread and getting yourself annoyed
Carter1990 for example - i wouldn’t vote for them but that’s his/her decision

It's not so much hate for me. As it is - Fear. That, I confess to. I fear this becoming an ongoing part of British politics. The outcomes are worse - as shown by Brexit - and they won't stop people returning to ask for more.
I read this and thought the same, it’s the same posters on here just regurgitating the same old stuff they posted weeks ago.
You don’t like Reform or Nigel Farage , we get it, most of us don’t - let the people who do get on with it.
You may feel better not coming on this thread and getting yourself annoyed
Carter1990 for example - i wouldn’t vote for them but that’s his/her decision
No, some parties I don't like, hello conservatives, but I accept some do and will vote for them they have that right. Reform are different they are dangerous and dressed up to seem reasonable. those people that support them should have the reality of those views pointed out,people should do all they can to stop those views being accepted as mainstream or reasonable, the same as we did with NF ,BNP, EDL.

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