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Farage is a Putin puppet. Worked for Russia Today for years being handsomely paid.

Russia Today is a vehicle for Putin propaganda.

Farage supports the murdering bastard Putin at every opportunity. He should be behind bars not running for election. So why isn’t he? Well, the Tories have their own Russian secrets. Will anything happen under Labour? Or are they also compromised.

Time will tell.
I'm kind of confused.... one minute he's a Putin puppet the next minute he's Trumps man, wow, that is a massive range of views... is it not?
He's a tyrannical megalomaniac. That's why he invaded Ukraine. He wants a return to what would ostensibly be another Soviet Empire. Also, if he succeeds and claims Ukraine, who will he be neighbouring? Poland; a NATO fucking member. Has he considered that? Maybe he hasn't. Or far more likely, he has and he just doesn't give a fuck because he's an evil ****. The sooner he dies, the sooner the world will be a better place.
Agree with the tyrannical megalomaniac points and lets not forget Hungary... they're in NATO too.
I'm kind of confused.... one minute he's a Putin puppet the next minute he's Trumps man, wow, that is a massive range of views... is it not?
Exactly. And yet you're on here suggesting Farage's remarks were anything other than chest-thumping for the wannabe Peter the Great.
No I'm not suggesting anything. One positive about Farage which is something you cannot say about Starmer is that when asked a question he does answer it... you/we might not like the answer but at least he'll answer it,
I'm kind of confused.... one minute he's a Putin puppet the next minute he's Trumps man, wow, that is a massive range of views... is it not?
Can both statements not be true? Not like he hasn’t got previous for whoring himself around to the worst people to walk the earth.

Can see his appeal to some in fairness.

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