Religion, mammoths and dinosaurs,

SWP's back said:
shaiomarali said:
I am intrigued by the idea of how the bite of the forbidden apple from the tree is actually symbolic of a DNA mixing event between extraterrestrials and early hominids, giving hominids a new found ability to acquire intelligence.

It's like the birds and the bees way of extraterrestrials saying, well, we reconfigured your dioxyribose nucleic acid chain by adding new RNA on the nth chain of your DNA tree,

There is just a big gap in the evolution of intelligence that what is more plausible is outside interference. We have been living with apes for many centuries and none so far have shown as much capacity to develop further intelligence, while we humans seem to become more intelligent in leaps and bounds.
Wow. I have seen some shite spouted in The Cellar, but this takes the biscuit.
So ET boned Eve then. Thanks. That's cleared it all up.

I'll bet he does some mean fingering.
shaiomarali said:
I am intrigued by the idea of how the bite of the forbidden apple from the tree is actually symbolic of a DNA mixing event between extraterrestrials and early hominids, giving hominids a new found ability to acquire intelligence.

It's like the birds and the bees way of extraterrestrials saying, well, we reconfigured your dioxyribose nucleic acid chain by adding new RNA on the nth chain of your DNA tree,

There is just a big gap in the evolution of intelligence that what is more plausible is outside interference. We have been living with apes for many centuries and none so far have shown as much capacity to develop further intelligence, while we humans seem to become more intelligent in leaps and bounds.

I've seen chimps riding bikes, shifting pianos and making a refreshing cup of tea. Were they doing this a hundred years ago? No. It is something they learned around about the 1970s. To say apes have not furthered their intelligence is a slight upon chimpkind.
shaiomarali said:
I am intrigued by the idea of how the bite of the forbidden apple from the tree is actually symbolic of a DNA mixing event between extraterrestrials and early hominids, giving hominids a new found ability to acquire intelligence.

It's like the birds and the bees way of extraterrestrials saying, well, we reconfigured your dioxyribose nucleic acid chain by adding new RNA on the nth chain of your DNA tree,

There is just a big gap in the evolution of intelligence that what is more plausible is outside interference. We have been living with apes for many centuries and none so far have shown as much capacity to develop further intelligence, while we humans seem to become more intelligent in leaps and bounds.

Coming down from the trees and onto the plains meant our sources and variety of food vastly increased.

Standing on two legs also gave us an advantage when it came to hunting, the downside being that our heart, neck and genitals became exposed.

However, the relatively sudden advantages of those two decisions made protein very abundant in our diet which helped accelerate the rate at which our brains grew.
The Pope said:
Just everything in Christianity is absolutely ridiculous. Ive never gone to church put always felt like i should believe.
Faith and the whole jesus , god thing IMO is generated by a peoples fear of death. Its as simple as that.

Even being agnostic made me feel too tied down.
Last week some JW's came round so I just said sorry im an athiest.

I shut the door and felt so liberated it was brilliant "yes"! moment.

When I head into my final years will my opinion change? I hope not but I suspect it may.
Explains a lot about the catholic church when the head honcho doesn't believe!!
Ancient Citizen said:
A virtually complete mammoth is to go on display soon, a Tyrannosaurus skeleton, also virtually complete found in Montana, is also due to make an appearance.
How do religious folk square their beliefs that everything was created by God a few thousand years ago, when, in the case of mammoths, their existence terminated around 13000 years ago, and the T Rex around 65 million years past?
This is directed at some fundamentalist Christians, in the main, and Muslims, although there are a myriad of other faiths with similar views.
Where does it say this in any modern day Christian doctrine??
Leyth Blue said:
Ancient Citizen said:
A virtually complete mammoth is to go on display soon, a Tyrannosaurus skeleton, also virtually complete found in Montana, is also due to make an appearance.
How do religious folk square their beliefs that everything was created by God a few thousand years ago, when, in the case of mammoths, their existence terminated around 13000 years ago, and the T Rex around 65 million years past?
This is directed at some fundamentalist Christians, in the main, and Muslims, although there are a myriad of other faiths with similar views.
Where does it say this in any modern day Christian doctrine??

Two of each animal that God created went onto the ark, yes?

So where were the Dinosaurs?
The fecking heathens hid the Dinosaur bones there to try and lead you astray you fool and if it wasn't them you can bet it was the Devil.
Go and see Stan the T-Rex at the Manchester Museum ffs I would love to see the the world is only 6000 Years old crew cope with this fella.
pantalon violet said:
m7mcfc said:
Go and see Stan the T-Rex at the Manchester Museum ffs I would love to see the the world is only 6000 Years old crew cope with this fella.

Devil's handwork, resist temptation my fellow bluemooners!

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