Religion, mammoths and dinosaurs,

denislawsbackheel said:
The Flash said:
Leyth Blue said:
Where does it say this in any modern day Christian doctrine??

Two of each animal that God created went onto the ark, yes?

So where were the Dinosaurs?

The bible makes no mention of the numbers.

Genesis 6:19-20 instructs Noah to preserve two of every kind...
Mustard Dave said:
shaiomarali said:
I am intrigued by the idea of how the bite of the forbidden apple from the tree is actually symbolic of a DNA mixing event between extraterrestrials and early hominids, giving hominids a new found ability to acquire intelligence.

It's like the birds and the bees way of extraterrestrials saying, well, we reconfigured your dioxyribose nucleic acid chain by adding new RNA on the nth chain of your DNA tree,

There is just a big gap in the evolution of intelligence that what is more plausible is outside interference. We have been living with apes for many centuries and none so far have shown as much capacity to develop further intelligence, while we humans seem to become more intelligent in leaps and bounds.

I've seen chimps riding bikes, shifting pianos and making a refreshing cup of tea. Were they doing this a hundred years ago? No. It is something they learned around about the 1970s. To say apes have not furthered their intelligence is a slight upon chimpkind.


Although it's too full of holes to be likely; I do wish McKenna's stoned Ape theory was the reason for our leap forward;
Here is the theory/ drivel that I m alluding to though. The main course is at <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

The genetic argument

Ancient astronaut creation theorists believe that language is a gift from the gods. Theory proponents argue that the Forkhead box protein P2 (FOXP2) gene, which research shows to be linked with language, is of extraterrestrial origin. The theory contends extraterrestrials are responsible for giving mankind the ability to communicate, use tools, manipulate fire, socially organize and interact symbolically with one another. The ancient astronaut creation theory further argues the possibility that all life on Earth is of extraterrestrial origin.

Genetic research and brain evolution

In 2004, researchers at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, at the University of Chicago, Illinois, conducted a study and found human genes that control the size and complexity of the brain have undergone rapid evolution in humans, and that mammals and other non-human primates had not evolved in this manner.Ancient astronaut creation theorists believe that this evolution is the result of extraterrestrial beings manipulating the DNA of early hominids as well as natural selection.
blueish swede said:
shaiomarali said:
I am intrigued by the idea of how the bite of the forbidden apple from the tree is actually symbolic of a DNA mixing event between extraterrestrials and early hominids, giving hominids a new found ability to acquire intelligence.

It's like the birds and the bees way of extraterrestrials saying, well, we reconfigured your dioxyribose nucleic acid chain by adding new RNA on the nth chain of your DNA tree,

There is just a big gap in the evolution of intelligence that what is more plausible is outside interference. We have been living with apes for many centuries and none so far have shown as much capacity to develop further intelligence, while we humans seem to become more intelligent in leaps and bounds.

Apes are still hairy /furry though, that's why they are stuck at a lower intelligence level.

I saw I think it was horizon the other year on how so scientists believe we are the only mammal born premature and not fully developed like how lambs/deer/calf's/kitten etc can pretty much stand and walk straight away same as other apes and so while we develop in the early months our brains develop to and grow, this has obviously evolved that it's now natural where other apes don't, don't know myself sounds a bit odd to me. Article related to it below

Also aspects of the garden of eden story is pretty much the end of Ragnarok along with Persian tales of king Gilgamesh and was nicked by early christians
There should be a world debate on the case for and against a supreme being and each side has to produce evidence.

Itd be really quite funny but hopefully it would make a lot of people open their eyes and hopefully reduce the number of wars humanity suffers because of some fairy tale characters.
Leyth Blue said:
Ancient Citizen said:
A virtually complete mammoth is to go on display soon, a Tyrannosaurus skeleton, also virtually complete found in Montana, is also due to make an appearance.
How do religious folk square their beliefs that everything was created by God a few thousand years ago, when, in the case of mammoths, their existence terminated around 13000 years ago, and the T Rex around 65 million years past?
This is directed at some fundamentalist Christians, in the main, and Muslims, although there are a myriad of other faiths with similar views.
Where does it say this in any modern day Christian doctrine??
Good question, and I can't give any definitive answer, I was just using a generalised assumption of the view of outsiders (non- believers) looking in, with the fact of accepted paleontology being paramount.
Heard one last week "If we evolved from apes, how come chimps in the zoo dont turn into humans?".... They said this and looked at me like a smug ****, like they had really stumped me
Ancient Citizen said:
A virtually complete mammoth is to go on display soon, a Tyrannosaurus skeleton, also virtually complete found in Montana, is also due to make an appearance.
How do religious folk square their beliefs that everything was created by God a few thousand years ago, when, in the case of mammoths, their existence terminated around 13000 years ago, and the T Rex around 65 million years past?
This is directed at some fundamentalist Christians, in the main, and Muslims, although there are a myriad of other faiths with similar views.

I tend to avoid these threads, but every now and then I will participate, briefly...

To be fair you are merely speaking about the 'rubber stamped' view of how a follower of a certain type of religion might see the existence of the planet. Are we any closer to knowing how existence came to be? Not really. Can any guesses be thrown towards a plausible answer? Depends on who's sending and who's receiving the message and answers on both sides of the coins.

I have argued before why there needs to be a separation between religious belief and science as neither are overly conclusive, to a point, where the formation of Life is concerned. The overly zealous 'scientific' amongst you are actually quite similar to the religious 'nut jobs' (as they are described) about the existence of Life on earth. The crux of this argument comes down to the perception of time.

So, what is 'time' and in whose eyes is it relevant? Just because in a Book, the explanation of 'seven days' comes within the form that we know of now, it makes that association of 'time' wrong? Maybe, but what if it couldn't be explained better at the time?

What if that association of time then is similar to a slug's or a microbe or smaller still? Time has no form, but is a concept fashioned into a workable belief system. Time is relative... to whomever believes in the concept.

For all we know, 'seven days' may be 700 million years relative to the existence of something where time has no bearing.

As for the dinosaurs argument, I do believe there is a Book that mentions that life had been made over many times 'in His Image', which again, would not crush a certain religious belief in the existence of a Creator.

We can all be unduly influenced by what we read/ learn, but the ability to fashion thoughts outside of that realm should be the most steadfast strength we have. As science has formed from religion, any way, it makes sense to me that they are a maslin that should work in tandem.

I shall back away from this thread now after typing away, sharing my train of thought...

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