cherry pick to serve your purpose you mean, i'm afraid it doesn't work like that
here is just a few from matthews gospel
- Jesus strongly approved of the law and the prophets. He had no objection to the cruelties of the Old Testament and said that its laws will be binding forever. 5:17
- To avoid sin, Jesus told his followers to cut off their hands and pluck out their eyes. This advice was given immediately after he said that anyone who looks with lust at a women commits adultery. 5:29, 18:8
- He said that most people are going to hell. 7:13-14
Abandon your wife and children for Jesus and he'll give your a big reward.
Jesus condemns entire cities to dreadful deaths and to the eternal torment of hell because they didn't care for his preaching.
So you are saying that you know for sure how I should or shouldn't relate with the bible? Ok. Interesting.
I wasn't brought up with religion, don't particularly identify as a christian and don't go to church.However when I came across the beatitudes (including some of the studies
of the aramaic teachings) I found that they weren't so much a set of orders but more a pretty accurate description of a process of change that I had been experiencing elsewhere.
Why would this be of interest? For me I find that, on one level, the likes of art, music, cooking, sex, even football* can all come to be an exploration of the nature of change. So anything that provides insight into this, I find to be an enriching experience. The beatitudes then can help facilitate and nurture this process of change - especially if I choose to let go of the heavy, religious dogma that has attempted to hijack them.
So to look at two examples :
Blessed are those that mourn for they shall be comforted.
Blessed are the humble for they shall inherit the earth.
For me, in this case humbleness is the result of becoming aware of, and letting go of, the arrogance within that I have identified with - the arrogance that thinks it understands but actually doesn't. So the mourning is the process of allowing this arrogance to 'die,' so as to come to know a deeper understanding. I also find that arrogance has a harsh quality to it - so in letting go of this I let go of this discomfort and come to experience a greater sense of ease. Beyond that, I can read 'inherit' as 'receive' which can then imply a sense of groundedness and thus balance. And balance is helpful with any art that involves movement - if nothing else it helps open one to a power that has its roots more in rhythm than just brute force (perhaps think of what some athletes might call 'the zone').
So, yeah - if you want to limit the conversation to solely religious doctrine then maybe picking and choosing parts of the bible isn't 'allowed' but if I want to explore beyond
these limitations then I feel free do so and so engage with the likes of the bible however I choose. I find the latter more enjoyable but each to their own.
*technique in football might be said to be - at least partly - how one changes the shape of the body so as best trap, pass, shoot the ball etc; how a team transitions form attack to defence and back again is also a process of change.