
Which God, which believers? Muslims, Hindus, Christians, Jews, all of them? Or just some of them? Which of them have the 'bad attitude'?
Usually the ones in positions of authority in the religion and a handful of the more fanatical supporters. So yes, Hindus who attack Muslims for eating beef. Muslims who attack Christians for eating pork. Christians who attack gay people for having a relationship with a member of the same sex.

I actually got that meme from the comments section of a story here in Malaysia where a bar was closed down for having a "Thai hot boys' event, in which the guests would apparently be served by hunky Thai men in skimpy clothes. As I say, for certain religious people, it's never enough to simply not go to such an event (like I won't be going, for example), they have to insist on banning it for everyone else too.
The bottom line is it doesn’t matter what anybody feels about it, it’s just a fact of life. For what it’s worth, here’s how I deal with it. As long as any of my parents children are alive, their children, so are my parents, because we are them. Every mannerism my siblings and kids, grand kids nieces and nephews show that came from my parents reminds me that they are right in the room.

Of course it’s sad when they go, when you lose family, but we all go and for those remaining we carry on. We remember them, we laugh, we sing their songs at family gatherings. As long as we are alive, so are they. My mother lives rent free in my head still, telling me off. She’s my Jiminy Cricket. Only she swears.
I sort of feel like it matters a bit
Or indeed their non-religious beliefs.

Saying you don't believe in a fantasy isn't a belief it's just stating a fact.
The question of religion is different from the faith that there might just be something else, religion is an abomination made by men whereas faith is a belief in hope in many ways.
If you think life is just a momentary detour before we all meet up in heaven for eternity in paradise then life and death is all pretty meaningless.
It's the opposite, as even an action that is seemingly trivial here has a consequence in the after-life.
What a load of bollocks.

Whatever. It's still wrong to say the believers don't fully appreciate/value the temporal life on Earth.

Qur'an 99:6-8 "On that Day people will proceed in separate groups to be shown ˹the consequences of˺ their deeds.
So whoever does an atom’s weight of good will see it.
And whoever does an atom’s weight of evil will see it."
I sort of feel like it matters a bit
I know it does, I wasn’t meaning it doesn’t matter, I was just saying it’s just a fact of life and you need to try to come to terms with it as best we can. I was writing how I try to cope, doesn’t mean you dodge a bullet though. You get the bullet.

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