
I think you’re being unfair here. Those other gods and religions are clearly made up nonsense only a small brainwashed child or gullible/stupid adult would believe.

The Qur’an however, especially the bit about flying on a winged horse, is clearly different.
I love that our Scottish national animal, a Unicorn, gets mentioned in the bible. And before I read that, I thought it was a mythical creature. Same with dragons. You can imagine how fucking stupid I felt when I read they were actually real.

I let everybody down.
I get why people have religion. It gives them hope and something in their lives. It's nice going to church. I got married in church, but I'm not religious at all. Weird as that may be.

I don't like it when it's pushed in your face etc.

Last year for Halloween I put out some crosses in the garden and dangled some limbs off them. I had a lady come to my door and tell me it was offensive as she was a Christian. I was baffled.
Lol, did you put them outside her door by mistake ?
Religion is drying up pretty quickly. There is some good teaching of morals and ethics, but the hyporicsy that comes with it is laughable.

My wife is a Catholic and she prides herself being progressive too, yet follows a religion where homosexuality is a sin, covered up decades of child abuse, preach to give to the poor but hoard billions in stolen art, property and gold reserves. You cannot make this shit up lol

It controlled the masses for centuries but I think the less mental ones are cottoning on its scam.
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Do you expect these books to say "you can either accept it or not, it doesn't matter" ? Any book claiming to be from God has to be assertive and cannot flip-flop on conflicting ideas.

It's common to see people of one faith condemning the other group to hell, but that's not the case at a personal level. Ask a Muslim "Are you sure you will be in heaven ?" and the answer would never be in the affirmative. We haven't been given that guarantee, and any kind of spiritual pride is misplaced.
That is because in Islam you will go to hell for a period regardless. God doing a very bad job of saving you…
Why is the creator of the whole Universe so petty, that without a single shred of evidence he exists, will burn people forever for not believing? Don’t you think that type of spite is a human trait? A god that allows over 10,000 other gods to be worshiped throughout time? Your religion is only 1700 years old. Humans have been here for nearly 250,000 years. What about Neanderthals? The other four human species that went extinct? What about all the people who came before the Quran? They burning in hell too?

If he existed and wrote a book, or three, why does an omnipotent god need three books? Are you trying to tell me such a being could create the universe, but couldn’t put in an appearance and tell the whole world he’s the guy? Forgot how he made the universe? That the earth isn’t the centre of the universe. Forgot we went around the sun. Said stars would fall to earth in the final days, obviously forgot they are stars much bigger than they look from earth? It’s utter bullshit. It’s man made up. There is also so much evil in all of those books. Kill this, kill that, take slaves, take sex slaves, kill disobedient children. Kill all who don’t believe.,

If that god is actually real, he’s a very vindictive, evil being. And all three books writing in the same area? How convenient.

These books are about control. If they tell you you will burn forever if you don’t believe, it frightens people. Especially uneducated people. That’s why fundamentalists don’t want you getting educated. It is a threat to their bullshit. If in 2023 you actually believe in Adam and Eve started humanity you are deluding yourself to refute fact for faith. How can that be right when all he needs to do is appear all over the world and say, here I am and this is what I want you to do?

Why not do that? It’s because he doesn’t exist. Or does he just love to keep you hanging? You are an atheist to 3,499 other gods being worshipped right now.

Why don’t you believe in them? Think about that and hopefully realise that’s why I don’t believe in yours.
You are slightly mistaken. The tactic of saying that you will go too hell is pretty modern.

What the peaceful religions of Christianity and Islam used to do is conquer, pillage, discriminatory tax, rape and convert by the sword. It is no wonder it has slowed down when people actually have a choice and say.
I think you’re being unfair here. Those other gods and religions are clearly made up nonsense only a small brainwashed child or gullible/stupid adult would believe.

The Qur’an however, especially the bit about flying on a winged horse, is clearly different.
Qur'an doesn't mention about flying on a winged horse, that comes from hadith literature. Not denying that I believe the incident by the way.
Is this some kind of joke

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