Relocation window on April 12th - frustrated singers move to SSL3

That stand was thrown up with little thought. Climbing the stairs is bad enough but then just when you think you have managed it, those at the back of SS3 have another load of steps to climb.

There are not actually than many free seats up there anyway. I had a look this morning.
I sat in row JJ SS3 for Madrid game. I'm a fit 30 something year old and still thought I was going to pass out getting up there.

I looked almost as red as KDB
Moved into one of the cheap front row seats in 115, not the best view at pitch side but happy to amongst standers and singers, so hopefully that's me settled till NS is up
I have re-located this morning to 314, row N. Was watching that area closely yesterday (my season ticket this season was in CB Lv3 on Value Gold, great view, awful atmosphere). Really looking forward to next season now. only me and one other lad sang where i was this season so looking forward to being with more like minded people ! Anyone else there ?
Me, it's standing most of the games now, and right next to the away fans.
I sat in 315 for Madrid. It was exceptional.

Sat in 218 yesterday and it was the opposite.
Exactly the same as me. 315 was bouncing on Wednesday never felt anything like it. Sat in 218 on Sunday and it was hard to get any songs going. Didn't help that you can hear 3 songs all at once. Two lads were trying their best though.
Top of SS L3 is great these days seems more and more older end City fans are moving there because it’s cheap, the view is great just them bloody stairs, I’m still surprised no fucker has gone flying down them.
Exactly the same as me. 315 was bouncing on Wednesday never felt anything like it. Sat in 218 on Sunday and it was hard to get any songs going. Didn't help that you can hear 3 songs all at once. Two lads were trying their best though.
Those two lads were sat behind me, great effort! It seemed like the crowd were up for it for the first 20 minutes but once what was happening on the pitch died down, so did the crowd.

It's SSL1 or SSL3 for me from now on. I do love 309 where I sat for the Arsenal game (and another, can't remember which). Combination of great view with good atmosphere.

I suppose that's the perk of no ST, you can find some new fun spots around the stadium (hoping that changes this year though).
I’ve moved from block 110 to SS3 block 315 (anyone who is in there please tell me the atmosphere is good…) it’s saving me £400 on each of the adult tickets I have (3no.) so over £1200 a year in savings and hopefully no less of a fan experience (I’m big into my singing and getting involved on match days)

Also if anyone wants block 110 there are now 3 seats together available in there and you can still relocate I just did mine then
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What’s it like for a beer at half time ssl2? Thinking of moving to 215. Heard it’s a nightmare on level 3 which has put me off moving there

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