Remember that MMR/Autism Thread?

buzzer1 said:
Damocles said:
Can you guys with whacky beliefs now finally shake them off and stop putting your kids at unneccessary risk, for absolutely no reason apart from your own lack of education?

I hate this bastard with every fibre of my being, and I hope he burns to death, the fucking twat.

You may hate him Dammo but there is undeniable evidence that the shite that goes into these jabs are gravely unhealthy for any human being never mind a child. You have absolutely no evidence that the long term damage is'nt catastrophic and leads to anyother health problems, none whatsoever. So as for the Wacky thoughts of people i would say the govt. should open their books and not just feed us nobodys with what WE want to hear. If it was upto me, i would have had no 'jab' at school and deffo not give any of my kids it. It's one thing hating this guy but why the fuk did'nt SHITHOUSE Blair come clean at the time.

Tell Mrs. Fletcher that she's just another Wacko.

Believe fuk all that the Govt.. and their lackies and paymasters tell you.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... faced.html</a>

Last night, Tory MP Nadine Dorries, a member of the powerful Commons Health Committee, said: ‘If an independent panel has reached the conclusion that there has been a link between the MMR vaccine and the brain damage suffered by this boy in this case, then it is fair to assume that there could be as many as thousands of children and parents in the same position.

Did you not read Damocles' post?
This has fuck all to do with a government conspiracy and everything to do with scare-mongering and alarmist reporting and a con=man playing with peoples lifes for financial profit.
stonerblue said:
buzzer1 said:
You may hate him Dammo but there is undeniable evidence that the shite that goes into these jabs are gravely unhealthy for any human being never mind a child. You have absolutely no evidence that the long term damage is'nt catastrophic and leads to anyother health problems, none whatsoever. So as for the Wacky thoughts of people i would say the govt. should open their books and not just feed us nobodys with what WE want to hear. If it was upto me, i would have had no 'jab' at school and deffo not give any of my kids it. It's one thing hating this guy but why the fuk did'nt SHITHOUSE Blair come clean at the time.

Tell Mrs. Fletcher that she's just another Wacko.

Believe fuk all that the Govt.. and their lackies and paymasters tell you.

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... faced.html</a>

Last night, Tory MP Nadine Dorries, a member of the powerful Commons Health Committee, said: ‘If an independent panel has reached the conclusion that there has been a link between the MMR vaccine and the brain damage suffered by this boy in this case, then it is fair to assume that there could be as many as thousands of children and parents in the same position.

Did you not read Damocles' post?
This has fuck all to do with a government conspiracy and everything to do with scare-mongering and alarmist reporting and a con=man playing with peoples lifes for financial profit.

Yes, i read Damocles post but unlike some, i form my own opinion and choose not to be a follower just because someone speaks. To be honest, the way people go on about Dammo it is probably embarrassing to the lad.

Fukin scare mongering? did you not read MY post?
Did you not read Damocles' post?
This has fuck all to do with a government conspiracy and everything to do with scare-mongering and alarmist reporting and a con=man playing with peoples lifes for financial profit.

Hear, hear. This fiasco stemmed from Wakefield, and a woefully misinformed/hysterical media ran with it.
Sue Denim said:
Did you not read Damocles' post?
This has fuck all to do with a government conspiracy and everything to do with scare-mongering and alarmist reporting and a con=man playing with peoples lifes for financial profit.

Hear, hear. This fiasco stemmed from Wakefield, and a woefully misinformed/hysterical media ran with it.

Haha, are you really so rude as to only quote SB? HystericaL? Did you read Mrs. Fletchers SUCCESSFUL case? With such ignorance, i have nothing more to offer this thread with the like of YOUR post to contend with, we debate no more SD.
buzzer1 said:
Sue Denim said:
Hear, hear. This fiasco stemmed from Wakefield, and a woefully misinformed/hysterical media ran with it.

Haha, are you really so rude as to only quote SB? HystericaL? Did you read Mrs. Fletchers SUCCESSFUL case? With such ignorance, i have nothing more to offer this thread with the like of YOUR post to contend with, we debate no more SD.

Does one read Jane Austen, perchance? T'was a most entertaining flounce, Mr thinks you are now waist-deep in a lake, white shirt drenched, darkly brooding...
buzzer1 said:
You may hate him Dammo but there is undeniable evidence that the shite that goes into these jabs are gravely unhealthy for any human being never mind a child.

Really? Show it to me. Nobody else has this, so you'll be making millions and saving lives.

You have absolutely no evidence that the long term damage is'nt catastrophic and leads to anyother health problems, none whatsoever.

Actually, I do. HUNDREDS of proper peer reviewed scientific studies. I've posted them on here previously.

So as for the Wacky thoughts of people i would say the govt. should open their books and not just feed us nobodys with what WE want to hear. If it was upto me, i would have had no 'jab' at school and deffo not give any of my kids it. It's one thing hating this guy but why the fuk did'nt SHITHOUSE Blair come clean at the time.

Then I'd have you on charges of child abuse. Anybody who is willing to disregard hundreds of studies because they 'have a feeling' isn't responsible enough to be in charge of another life.

I don't care about Blair.

The Government told us the situation from day one, but it wasn't what some wanted to hear, thus it was dismissed.

Tell Mrs. Fletcher that she's just another Wacko.

Believe fuk all that the Govt.. and their lackies and paymasters tell you.

Last night, Tory MP Nadine Dorries, a member of the powerful Commons Health Committee, said: ‘If an independent panel has reached the conclusion that there has been a link between the MMR vaccine and the brain damage suffered by this boy in this case, then it is fair to assume that there could be as many as thousands of children and parents in the same position.

When Nadine Dorries is qualified to make such statements, I may give a flying fuck what she thinks.

What you don't seem to get, is that ONE study but the link between MMR and Autism. Everything stems from this ONE study, that NOBODY has ever been able to reproduce the results of. Millions and millions has been thrown at these studies and not a single one has ever been able to get the results that Wakefield did. Now we found out that this original study was a complete fabrication, done for financial gain.

He lied through his backteeth, for money. That's why no study has ever been able to reproduce his evidence, because he made them up. There's no conspiracy here, there's no dangers, there's no weird poisoning routine, just one guy convincing generation of gullible people about a lie.
Damocles said:
buzzer1 said:
You may hate him Dammo but there is undeniable evidence that the shite that goes into these jabs are gravely unhealthy for any human being never mind a child.

Really? Show it to me. Nobody else has this, so you'll be making millions and saving lives.

You have absolutely no evidence that the long term damage is'nt catastrophic and leads to anyother health problems, none whatsoever.

Actually, I do. HUNDREDS of proper peer reviewed scientific studies. I've posted them on here previously.

So as for the Wacky thoughts of people i would say the govt. should open their books and not just feed us nobodys with what WE want to hear. If it was upto me, i would have had no 'jab' at school and deffo not give any of my kids it. It's one thing hating this guy but why the fuk did'nt SHITHOUSE Blair come clean at the time.

Then I'd have you on charges of child abuse. Anybody who is willing to disregard hundreds of studies because they 'have a feeling' isn't responsible enough to be in charge of another life.

I don't care about Blair.

The Government told us the situation from day one, but it wasn't what some wanted to hear, thus it was dismissed.

Tell Mrs. Fletcher that she's just another Wacko.

Believe fuk all that the Govt.. and their lackies and paymasters tell you.

Last night, Tory MP Nadine Dorries, a member of the powerful Commons Health Committee, said: ‘If an independent panel has reached the conclusion that there has been a link between the MMR vaccine and the brain damage suffered by this boy in this case, then it is fair to assume that there could be as many as thousands of children and parents in the same position.

When Nadine Dorries is qualified to make such statements, I may give a flying fuck what she thinks.

What you don't seem to get, is that ONE study but the link between MMR and Autism. Everything stems from this ONE study, that NOBODY has ever been able to reproduce the results of. Millions and millions has been thrown at these studies and not a single one has ever been able to get the results that Wakefield did. Now we found out that this original study was a complete fabrication, done for financial gain.

He lied through his backteeth, for money. That's why no study has ever been able to reproduce his evidence, because he made them up. There's no conspiracy here, there's no dangers, there's no weird poisoning routine, just one guy convincing generation of gullible people about a lie.

Again, Scientific Studies? YOU AND I ARE DRIP FED?

All these people that have a concern (not you or Bann..,i mean Nash.., i mean Sue Denim have no worries because it aint happened to YOU) now HAVE A CASE, Mrs. Fletcher blah blah.

Child abuse cases, again, none of your concern as YOUR kids are healthy after having THE jab.

Nadine Dorries does not need any qualifications, she is merely saying that it MAY open the floodgates as a consequence of the Fletcher findings(which is a fact, EVEN after studies). If Wakefield was only after coin, then his ramblings have indeed SUBSTANCE, fact, regardless of any coin.

Millions and Millions have been spent, it could be trillions and trillions, YOU/WE ARE DRIP FED. (Cue the i am ignorant comments for shunning the Science/medical heroes).

It's just the same as Gulf War Syndrome, it does'nt exist does it? because we are told it does'nt. Surely to fkin God it you understand that if someone has an Agenda that MUST be relayed to the next person, that they will tell you black is yellow and rain is sun, just in order to gain their ultimate goal, SURELY you must understand this. It would be much easier for the agenda to completely disregard ANYTHING that hinders their own end game, you must see this, honestly?

Ingredients, just a few. Formeldahyde, Mercury, Aspartame.
Sue Denim said:
buzzer1 said:
Haha, are you really so rude as to only quote SB? HystericaL? Did you read Mrs. Fletchers SUCCESSFUL case? With such ignorance, i have nothing more to offer this thread with the like of YOUR post to contend with, we debate no more SD.

Does one read Jane Austen, perchance? T'was a most entertaining flounce, Mr thinks you are now waist-deep in a lake, white shirt drenched, darkly brooding...

You can live in your little dream world mate about what is drip fed, but you have exactly fuck all experience of the scientific method, or of people actually conducting scientific experiments. If you did, you might learn something. The next time I pop up to see some PhD mates conducting research into chemistry and the like of, you are quite welcome to join me. You'll see that they are real people, just like us. In fact, they'd probably laugh at your idea of scientists getting paid off; I don't know a single scientist who's making any more than I currently am building computer programs, and they regularly discover new ideas and prove theorems.

You seem to think that this information is drip fed to people through some strange government channels, it isn't. You can pick up numerous scientific articles yourself; hell, my own work on teaching computer programming is out there in net land somewhere.

The thing that is quite annoying Buzzer, is that you are a religious man. You put your faith in nothing but the word of other people and don't examine how they present their evidence. This leads to more and more tangled webs thus a conspiracy is born. Conspiracies are born out of ignorance; people not understanding the situation and making things fit their own experience of it. After this, anything that contradicts this is just 'misinformation' by the people trying to keep the conspiracy underground, thus you never actually have to face up to the truth that your beliefs do not stand up when tested against reality.

Ingredients, just a few. Formeldahyde, Mercury, Aspartame.

Ok, I'll make a point to you. You don't have the real information, just the scary bits

You say Formaldehyde, Mercury and Aspartame, which all sound worrying things to put into our body.

The reality is a bit simpler.

Firstly, formaldehyde occurs naturally in the body, and vaccines use it in a very diluted form. Tests have shown that it is 600 times less than the dose that would make a child ill. What about the formaldehyde found naturally in foods? Or that it is a natural byproduct of digestion? Are you not going to feed your kids?

Secondly, mercury isn't in any vaccines, a byproduct of mercury called thimerosal USED TO BE. Despite the fact that zero evidence was ever found to show that this was harmful, the pussy government bowed to public idiocy and pulled it from the vaccines. 12 years ago.

Thirdly, aspartame is ABSOLUTELY FALSE. It isn't now, nor has it ever been in any vaccine ever. Go on the CDC website and show me what vaccine it is in. This is a lie, a complete fabrication, and you are irresponsible for posting it as truth.

All of this is like saying that you've heard that water can drown you so you aren't going to drink any.
Damocles said:
You can live in your little dream world mate about what is drip fed, but you have exactly fuck all experience of the scientific method, or of people actually conducting scientific experiments. If you did, you might learn something. The next time I pop up to see some PhD mates conducting research into chemistry and the like of, you are quite welcome to join me. You'll see that they are real people, just like us. In fact, they'd probably laugh at your idea of scientists getting paid off; I don't know a single scientist who's making any more than I currently am building computer programs, and they regularly discover new ideas and prove theorems.

You seem to think that this information is drip fed to people through some strange government channels, it isn't. You can pick up numerous scientific articles yourself; hell, my own work on teaching computer programming is out there in net land somewhere.

The thing that is quite annoying Buzzer, is that you are a religious man. You put your faith in nothing but the word of other people and don't examine how they present their evidence. This leads to more and more tangled webs thus a conspiracy is born. Conspiracies are born out of ignorance; people not understanding the situation and making things fit their own experience of it. After this, anything that contradicts this is just 'misinformation' by the people trying to keep the conspiracy underground, thus you never actually have to face up to the truth that your beliefs do not stand up when tested against reality.

Ingredients, just a few. Formeldahyde, Mercury, Aspartame.

Ok, I'll make a point to you. You don't have the real information, just the scary bits

You say Formaldehyde, Mercury and Aspartame, which all sound worrying things to put into our body.

The reality is a bit simpler.

Firstly, formaldehyde occurs naturally in the body, and vaccines use it in a very diluted form. Tests have shown that it is 600 times less than the dose that would make a child ill. What about the formaldehyde found naturally in foods? Or that it is a natural byproduct of digestion? Are you not going to feed your kids?

Secondly, mercury isn't in any vaccines, a byproduct of mercury called thimerosal USED TO BE. Despite the fact that zero evidence was ever found to show that this was harmful, the pussy government bowed to public idiocy and pulled it from the vaccines. 12 years ago.

Thirdly, aspartame is ABSOLUTELY FALSE. It isn't now, nor has it ever been in any vaccine ever. Go on the CDC website and show me what vaccine it is in. This is a lie, a complete fabrication, and you are irresponsible for posting it as truth.

All of this is like saying that you've heard that water can drown you so you aren't going to drink any.

Number one, Formeldahyde is found in the body? as is Cancer(natural forms)? Ok then, i'll tell you what, seeing as Formeldahyde is found naturally in the body(cancer), lets add a bit more and see where it gets us eh? as for feeding my kids certain shite? then no i don't and if you would choose to give your kids certain foods that contain this shite, then i would have you on Child Abuse Charges, see easy this is'nt it?
Absolutely poor poor example from you Dammo.

Also Thimerosal has been eradicated out of MOST vaccines, inactivated influenza vaccine it can be found. However, there have been millions of kids that have had the full works inc probably me and you at school.

Aspartame. My mistake, although it is found in other Vaccines for teenagers.

You blatantly and disgracefully brush aside with just a mere mention of the Fletcher case because it is one case and thats it.

As for me being Religious? you are the same and hang onto your Science journal as is a Christian would it's Bible.
You see mate, what people like yourself and others do'nt get, seemingly, is that not all you read in the Daily Star/Sun, Scientific weekly, the Bible or the Daily Bullshit is fact, please get this and i am not patronising you as some do without knowing, NOT EVERYTHING YOU READ IS THE TRUTH AND NOT EVERYTHING THAT IS TAUGHT AT UNIVERSITY IS ACCURATE AND THE TRUTH.

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