Remember that MMR/Autism Thread?

But I thought this bloke was a doctor...? surely anyone representing the medical/scientific world of fact isn't gonna lie or be wrong..?
blumoonrises said:
But I thought this bloke was a doctor...? surely anyone representing the medical/scientific world of fact isn't gonna lie or be wrong..?

Haha, he must'nt have fitted in with the herd. Touche Moony, Touche.
Was speaking to a geneticist couple of weeks ago about autism. He said it was 100% genetic. Didn't understand much else he said to me though :) Anyway's DNA is pretty amazing stuff. He said some of us have whole sections of the stuff missing and loads of it is repeated in random sections. He's pretty optimistic about isolating the genes that cause it as the price of mapping the human genome is coming down rapidly.
mrbelfry said:
Was speaking to a geneticist couple of weeks ago about autism. He said it was 100% genetic. Didn't understand much else he said to me though :) Anyway's DNA is pretty amazing stuff. He said some of us have whole sections of the stuff missing and loads of it is repeated in random sections. He's pretty optimistic about isolating the genes that cause it as the price of mapping the human genome is coming down rapidly.
Understatement of the day ;-)

Could never fully get my head around it if i'm honest.

blumoonrises said:
But I thought this bloke was a doctor...? surely anyone representing the medical/scientific world of fact isn't gonna lie or be wrong..?

This is the whole point though really, he's been part of that World, published data, which other people tested and has now been proven to be false. No-one within the scientific fraternity will claim they are never wrong, or people don't lie or occasionally manipulate data.

But i suppose it's difficult to understand the process if you haven't been involved in it. From the outside i can see why people would be mistrustful.
pee dubya said:
mrbelfry said:
Was speaking to a geneticist couple of weeks ago about autism. He said it was 100% genetic. Didn't understand much else he said to me though :) Anyway's DNA is pretty amazing stuff. He said some of us have whole sections of the stuff missing and loads of it is repeated in random sections. He's pretty optimistic about isolating the genes that cause it as the price of mapping the human genome is coming down rapidly.
Understatement of the day ;-)

Could never fully get my head around it if i'm honest.

blumoonrises said:
But I thought this bloke was a doctor...? surely anyone representing the medical/scientific world of fact isn't gonna lie or be wrong..?

This is the whole point though really, he's been part of that World, published data, which other people tested and has now been proven to be false. No-one within the scientific fraternity will claim they are never wrong, or people don't lie or occasionally manipulate data.
But i suppose it's difficult to understand the process if you haven't been involved in it. From the outside i can see why people would be mistrustful.

I'd say many are so far up their own arses that they actually depends on the department.. mainly they all stick together.
But when the odd individual comes out and spills the beans, they are simply ignored and dismissed by most sections of society.
In this case it is about an individual which makes it different.
blumoonrises said:
pee dubya said:
Understatement of the day ;-)

Could never fully get my head around it if i'm honest.

This is the whole point though really, he's been part of that World, published data, which other people tested and has now been proven to be false. No-one within the scientific fraternity will claim they are never wrong, or people don't lie or occasionally manipulate data.
But i suppose it's difficult to understand the process if you haven't been involved in it. From the outside i can see why people would be mistrustful.

I'd say many are so far up their own arses that they actually depends on the department.. mainly they all stick together.
But when the odd individual comes out and spills the beans, they are simply ignored and dismissed by most sections of society.
In this case it is about an individual which makes it different.
Well, i can only speak from my own experience, which is purely from the academic side of things rather than commercial/medical research. No scientist i came into contact with (a lot of them), would claim to never be wrong. They don't all stick together, to get anywhere within science you have to have a certain type of mind, one that craves to find out the truth and understand things. If something seems wrong it'll be questioned. People present their studies not just to their mates, but in seminars full of people they don't know, they get published in journals that can be read anywhere on the planet. Anyone, anywhere can read your study and think 'bullshit' and test it themselves.

Maybe your experience is different, but that's mine.
pee dubya said:
blumoonrises said:
I'd say many are so far up their own arses that they actually depends on the department.. mainly they all stick together.
But when the odd individual comes out and spills the beans, they are simply ignored and dismissed by most sections of society.
In this case it is about an individual which makes it different.
Well, i can only speak from my own experience, which is purely from the academic side of things rather than commercial/medical research. No scientist i came into contact with (a lot of them), would claim to never be wrong. They don't all stick together, to get anywhere within science you have to have a certain type of mind, one that craves to find out the truth and understand things. If something seems wrong it'll be questioned. People present their studies not just to their mates, but in seminars full of people they don't know, they get published in journals that can be read anywhere on the planet. Anyone, anywhere can read your study and think 'bullshit' and test it themselves.
Maybe your experience is different, but that's mine.

Yeah I see your point on that bit, I'm just havin a sarcastic dig at the the wider ranging stuff such as the medical reports on the amount of deaths likely from swine flu which everybody took as fact, or the scientific manipulation of global warming findings etc..!
blumoonrises said:
pee dubya said:
Well, i can only speak from my own experience, which is purely from the academic side of things rather than commercial/medical research. No scientist i came into contact with (a lot of them), would claim to never be wrong. They don't all stick together, to get anywhere within science you have to have a certain type of mind, one that craves to find out the truth and understand things. If something seems wrong it'll be questioned. People present their studies not just to their mates, but in seminars full of people they don't know, they get published in journals that can be read anywhere on the planet. Anyone, anywhere can read your study and think 'bullshit' and test it themselves.
Maybe your experience is different, but that's mine.

Yeah I see your point on that bit, I'm just havin a sarcastic dig at the the wider ranging stuff such as the medical reports on the amount of deaths likely from swine flu which everybody took as fact, or the scientific manipulation of global warming findings etc..!

Yes, although i think that's possibly more often a problem with how research is reported to the public rather than the actual research itself.
blumoonrises said:
pee dubya said:
Well, i can only speak from my own experience, which is purely from the academic side of things rather than commercial/medical research. No scientist i came into contact with (a lot of them), would claim to never be wrong. They don't all stick together, to get anywhere within science you have to have a certain type of mind, one that craves to find out the truth and understand things. If something seems wrong it'll be questioned. People present their studies not just to their mates, but in seminars full of people they don't know, they get published in journals that can be read anywhere on the planet. Anyone, anywhere can read your study and think 'bullshit' and test it themselves.
Maybe your experience is different, but that's mine.

Yeah I see your point on that bit, I'm just havin a sarcastic dig at the the wider ranging stuff such as the medical reports on the amount of deaths likely from swine flu which everybody took as fact, or the scientific manipulation of global warming findings etc..!

Citation Needed
Damocles said:
blumoonrises said:
Yeah I see your point on that bit, I'm just havin a sarcastic dig at the the wider ranging stuff such as the medical reports on the amount of deaths likely from swine flu which everybody took as fact, or the scientific manipulation of global warming findings etc..!

Citation Needed

I just made it up... (well I remember hearing about it, but rather than searching for stuff to back it up and gettin into an endless debate, as I have no interest in persuading folk my opinions are right.... it's easier to just say that..!)

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