Restaurants With Menus and Ordering by QR Code

I have trouble ordering a coffee, I want a coffee with big deal....yes it fucking well is. I have to read a menu, in Italian, then ask what each one is, meanwhile wifey's done it for me but what if she's not there and I'm alone, desperate and unsupervised. Cup o' tea perhaps ??
I know exactly what you mean.
I refuse to alter plain English and be forced to call it a flat white...Fuck-right-off....
All because of some wank stain hipster thinks he's being smart by calling it something that sounds less than exciting hoping I'd crumble under social pressure and order something more left field with flavoured syrops and a mountain of faff and crap to appeal to your inner child.

Fuck off....and take your fucking Elvis juice with you you pricks.
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As a soon to be FOC (19 days from hitting 60) what the fuck is a QR Code?
I got there last year (FOC) and I’m way behind with this eating and drinking out lark. Last year I went to do and for the first time in my life I went to a venue that didn’t accept cash and all I wanted to do was pay for two soft drinks. I was dumbfounded.
This week I have had the unfortunate experience of going to two restaurants that use the QR code menu/ordering. Whilst I fully understand why, in a tourist location where English is not many peoples first language it is helpful. But what an impersonal way of treating your guests, or should I say punters.
The wait staff now no longer converse with you, you have to download a QR code reader then scan the code and join their membership (awaits a flood or emails about food promotions).
With not having my glasses it was difficult to see exactly what was on the menu and what I ordered. Eventually something arrived at the table, fortunately very close to what we ordered.
What a soulless experience, no one welcomes you, no one asks what they can get for you, no one is available to discuss your food and to request changes to the food on the plate (change of potatoes to salad for example) if it is not on the e-menu you cannot have it.
As for tipping the wait staff? What for? Did you talk to me? Did you ask what you can get for me? You didn't even acknowledge me. Forget the tip!!

You think that’s bad I went to a restaurant and had to cook my own steak. Literally. The brought out these piping hot lava stones and a raw steak with some mustard butter and you cooked it yourself.

Was delicious mind and a good experience.
I know exactly what you mean.
I refuse to alter plain English and be forced to call it a flat white...Fuck-right-off....
All because of some wank stain hipster thinks he's being smart by calling it something that sounds less than exciting hoping I'd crumble under social pressure and order something more left field with flavoured syrops and a mountain of faff and crap to appeal to your inner child.

Fuck off....and take your fucking Elvis juice with you you pricks.
A fine young woman was bringing me a coffee the other day and txt me beforehand to ask what sort. With milk I replied. What's that called she replied. Ffs...

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